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Getting started

SMTP or API? It's your choice

You can send transactional emails with MailUp in two ways:

  • With our SMTP relay
  • Using our APIs

They provide virtually the same features. Specifically, the new transactional email API discussed in this section provides the same features that are available with the newest version of our SMTP relay, SMTP+ v2.

In addition, the performance, the aggregation policies and the usage restrictions (i.e. do not use it for promotional emails) are exactly the same as the ones enforced for SMTP+ v2.

Message header vs. JSON object

Although the features are largely the same, the way you access them is different. Parameters that are specified with message headers in SMTP+ v2, in the API are handled as fields of a JSON object that is passed to the web services. For more details about these parameters please check out the examples that are provided for SMTP+ v2

Best Practices

  • Message aggregation: avoid using message aggregation types that create several dozens of messages per day in your admin console. 
  • CampaignCode: the new CampaignCode field is a great way to aggregate messages in a way that reduces the message count and - at the same time - provides more meaningful statistics. If you don't specify the CampaignCode value, the default value for the SMTP+ user applies (this value is set in the admin console).
  • Returned value. Always check the value returned by the API: since most of the returned errors code are due to bad input parameters, any retry attempt will fail when returned code is HTTP 403.


  • Sending volume and speed. If you are using a trial or a developer account only a few messages can be sent, while for paying accounts such volume restrictions do not apply. In any case, delivery throughput cannot exceed the speed (messages per hour) that you purchased for your account.
  • Password. If you change the password of your SMTP+ account, then any application based on it, API included, will stop working. 
  • Priority. Do not rely too much on the "Priority" field: many restrictions apply on it because its value is properly handled only at a specific stage of message workflow. There is no way to guarantee that the order based on priority value is kept at all delivery stages.
  • No API error vs. successful message delivery. Please be aware that - just like with SMTP+ - all methods used to send emails are asynchronous, hence a successful return code means that the request was correct and it has been added to a queue, but it does not guarantee message delivery. In other words, a successful return code indicates that queueing and processing was OK, but the specified recipient might still be unreachable or unsubscribed.
On this page...
Table of Contents




Create a SMTP+ user

To access resources and to use the methods, you must have an active account with an enabled SMTP+ user (SMTP+ users have the "sNNNNN_NN" format).

Include credentials in the request

Usename and password must be included in each request through "User" parameter .

No Format

An error may be returned when the SMTP+ user is blocked. In this case you could use the "ListUserInfo" method to get more details about that user.

For example, there could be a billing issue.



This section includes the methods that can be used to send transactional emails.

Use SendMessage when you need to specify a completely different content for each message, while you can use SendTemplate - and use merge tags - if you want to pick the body of an existing content and simply customize some of its parts.

The two method methods provide the same level of performance: pick the one that better fits your needs. 



This method allows sending of a transactional message to multiple recipients. This method is not intended for bulk mailings.

The message content is passed as input with HTML code or plain text. The message may also include attachments and embedded images.

titleClick here to learn more about request parameters

The method takes as input the document JSON or XML that has the structure MessageDTO defined in the tables below.

SubjectStringthe subject of the message
HtmlHtmlDTOHTML part of the message (specify only the HTML inside the BODY tag)
TextStringthe plain text part of the message
FromEmailAddressDTOthe sender's name and email address
ToList<EmailAddressDTO>the list of recipients in To header
CcList<EmailAddressDTO>the list of recipients in Cc header
BccList<EmailAddressDTO>the list of recipients in Bcc
ReplyToStringthe email address to be added into Reply-To header
CharSetStringthe charset of the message body
ExtendedHeadersList<NameValueDTO>list of custom headers (only SMTP headers that are approved by MailUp will be added)
AttachmentsList<MessagePartDTO>list of attachments
EmbeddedImagesList<MessagePartDTO>list of embedded images
XSmtpAPIXSmtpAPIDTOthe X-SMTPAPI header value, used for custom aggregations and configurations
UserSmtpUserDTOthe SMTP+ user credentials: the API uses the same credentials as the SMTP relay


DocTypeStringthe DOCTYPE directive
HeadStringthe head content
BodyStringthe body content
BodyTagStringthe body tag, default is "< body>"
NameStringthe name
EmailStringthe email address
NStringthe name of the parameter
VStringthe value of the parameter
FilenameStringthe file name
ContentIdStringthe Content-Id value
BodyArray of Bytethe array of byte of the content
CampaignNameStringthe name used for the aggregated campaign
CampaignCodeStringthe campaign code which determines the aggregation
HeaderBooleanadd or not the MailUp header to the message
FooterBooleanadd or not the MailUp footer to the message
ClickTrackingBooleanenable click tracking
ViewTrackingBooleanenable view tracking
PriorityIntegerset the priority of the message (1 high - 5 low )
ScheduleDateTimeschedule date and time of when it should be sent
DynamicFieldsList<NameValueDTO>list of merge tags and recipient fields
CampaignReportStringname of the aggregated campaign report
SkipDynamicFieldsBooleanskip merge tags evaluation

titleClick here to learn more about response parameters

StatusStringthe status of the response can be "done" or "error"
CodeStringthe result code (see the Error Code table)
MessageStringthe result message


 JSON request (example)
"Body":"<div>Hello Mr. [firstname] [lastname] !!!</div><br><img width=\"600\" height=\"397\" src=\"cid:img001\">",
"Text":"Hello world!!!",
"Subject":"Hello friend!",
"From":{"Name":"Test User","Email":""},
"CampaignName":"Test Campaign",
JSON response (example)Example of a successful response:
Example of error:
"Message":"The operation is not authorized."



This method allows sending of a transactional message to multiple recipients. This method is not intended for bulk mailings.

The message content (both HTML body and plain text) is obtained by specifying the unique ID of a message previously created and stored in the MailUp admin console.

The message may also include attachments and embedded images.

titleClick here to learn more about request parameters

SubjectStringthe subject of the message
TemplateIdIntegerNumeric ID of the MailUp message whose content has to be used. It only accepts messages that belong to the same List in which the SMTP+ user was created

the sender's name and email address

ToList<EmailAddressDTO>the list of recipients in To header
CcList<EmailAddressDTO>the list of recipients in Cc header
BccList<EmailAddressDTO>the list of recipients in Bcc
ReplyToStringthe email address to be added into Reply-To header
CharSetStringthe charset of the message body
ExtendedHeadersList<NameValueDTO>list of custom headers (only SMTP headers that are approved by MailUp will be added)
AttachmentsList<MessagePartDTO>list of attachments
EmbeddedImagesList<MessagePartDTO>list of embedded images
XSmtpAPIXSmtpAPIDTOthe X-SMTPAPI header value, used for custom aggregations and configurations
UserSmtpUserDTOthe SMTP+ user credentials

 See the SendMessage reference for the definition of the others DTOs (EmailAddressDTO, NameValueDTO, ...)

titleClick here to learn more about response parameters

StatusStringthe status of the response can be "done" or "error"
CodeStringthe result code (see the Error Code table)
MessageStringthe result message


JSON request (example)
"Subject":"Test message from template",
"From":{"Name":"Test User","Email":""},
JSON response (example)Example of a successful response:

Example of error:
"Message":"The template is not found."



Use ListUserInfo to retrieve status details about current SMTP+ user or other SMTP+ users that belong to the same List of a specified MailUp account.


DescriptionThis method returns the list of SMTP+ users that exist in the List of a specified MailUp account. Status details of each user are provided
titleClick here to learn more about request parameters

The request must contain the user's credentials and an optional username to query

UserSMTPUserDTOthe calling User
UsernameStringoptional User from which to read the profile, if omitted the method returns all users

See the SendMessage reference for the definition of SMTPUserDTO

titleClick here to learn more about response parameters

The response is given by a JSON or XML document that has the structure of a list of users information ( List<UserInfoDTO>). 

UsernameSMTPUserDTOthe username
IdConsolelongthe MailUp account ID
IdListlongthe List Id within that account
IsEnabledbooltrue if the user is enabled
Priorityintdefault priority setting for messages sent by this user
Notestringadmin notes
CreationDatedatetimecreation date
UpdateDatedatetimelast updated date
DomainListstringlist of allowed domains
SenderListstringlist of allowed email senders
BlockUntildatetimedate until the user is blocked
AdminBlockbooltrue if the user is blocked by the system administrator
JSON request (example)
JSON response (example)Example of a successful response:

Example of error:
"Message":"User is deleted."


Error codes

This table shows possible HTTP response statuses that can be returned by the API methods and the corresponding error code provided by the application (inside the response).

HTTP response code
Application Code
4001The operation failed.
403101The input is null.
403102The operation is not authorized.
403103The user is not enabled.
403104The user is blocked.
403105The user is blocked until this date.
403106The MailUp account cannot be found.
403107The MailUp account has been suspended.
403108The MailUp account has been deleted.
403109At least one recipient is required.
403110The sender is required.
403111The template cannot found.
403112The user has been deleted.