HTTP response statuses that can be returned by this API, and the corresponding error code provided by the application (inside the response). HTTP response code | Application Code | Description |
200 | 0 | Ok. | 400 | 100 | No request found | 400 | 101 | Missing or empty parameters | 400 | 102 | ListGUID is not valid for the current account or list | 400 | 103 | ListSecret is not valid for the current account or list | 400 | 104 | SMS sender name is empty for list nr. N | 400 | 105 | Number or Prefix missing in the recipient | 400 | 106 | Recipient is invalid | 400 | 107 | Content too long | 403 | 201 | listID is not valid for the current account or list | 403 | 202 | ListGUID is not in a correct format | 403 | 203 | ListSecret is not in a correct format | 403 | 204 | Cannot send SMS to USA recipient | 403 | 205 | Sending denied: NO CREDITS | 403 | 206 | SMS number [recipient] is in optout state for list nr.[idList]. | 403 | 207 | Provided SMS sender is not certified and cannot be used to send messages | 403 | 250 | Access denied | 500 | 300 | Operation failed: a generic error occur | 500 | 301 | The message was sent but the statistics are incorrect due to an error | 500 | 302 | Error delivering message to [recipient] |
In addition to HTTP codeand Application codes, a successful response has the following format: Code Block |
{"Data":{"DeliveryId":1648,"Cost":1.0},"Code":"0","Description":"","State":"DONE"} |
where DeliveryId is a unique identifier that can be used to retrieve the result of a specific sending (link), while Cost is the cost in credits of the sending operation |