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Codes Table

In this documentation we sometimes refer to the "Codes Table": it provides a list of IDs that are needed in several API calls:


Merge tabDescription
[email]The recipient's email address
[prefix]The recipient's phone number's international prefix
[number]The recipient's mobile phone number
[idu]MailUp-defined unique identifier for that recipient
[_idoptin] Same as above
[_hash]MailUp internal GUID for that specific recipient
[_idnl]Message ID
[_subemail]Email recipient's subscription date
[_subsms]SMS recipient's subscription date
[_ip_req_sub]IP address recorded for the subscription request
[_ip_conf_sub]IP address recorded for the subscription confirmation request
[_currentday]Integer for current day (e.g. 22).
[_currentdayname] String for current day* (e.g. Wednesday)
[_currentmonth]Integer for current month (e.g. 4)
[_currentmonthname]String for current month* (e.g. April)
[_currentyear]Integer for current year (e.g. 2017)

*This text string is displayed in your admin account's language (e.g. "Mercoledì" instead of "Wednesday" for the accounts in Italian)