JSON request (example) | - Inherit missing values from a specified list (i.e., list identifier equals to 14)
Expand |
Code Block |
"Name": "New Arrivals",
"Business": true,
"Customer": true,
"OwnerEmail": "jane@example.com",
"ReplyTo": "mike@example.com",
"DisplayAs": "Your sender name",
"NLSenderName": "Your list name",
"CompanyName": "Your company",
"ContactName": "Your name",
"Address": "Your address",
"City": "Your city",
"CountryCode": "IT",
"PermissionReminder": "Your permission reminder",
"WebSiteUrl": "www.mailup.it",
"Description": "",
"Phone": "",
"PostalCode": "",
"StateOrProvince": "",
"TimeZoneCode": "UTC+01:00.0",
"SmsSenderName": "",
"DefaultPrefix": "0039",
"SendConfirmSms": false,
"Charset": "UTF-8",
"Format": "html",
"MultipartText": true,
"KBMax": 100,
"NotifyEmail": "",
"OptoutType": 3,
"MultiOptoutList": "19",
"SendEmailOptout": false,
"SubscribedEmail": true,
"BouncedEmail": null,
"FrontendForm": true,
"Public": true,
"ScopeCode": 0,
"TrackOnOpened": true
"ConversionlabTrackCode": "",
"LinkTrackingParameters": "",
"Disclaimer": "Per l'informativa sulla privacy D.Lgs 196/2003 visitare l'home page del sito. <br/> Policy AntiSPAM garantita da <a href=\"http://www.mailup.it/email-marketing/policy-antispam.asp\" target=_blank><img src=\"http://doc.mailupnet.it/logo_small_R.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" /></a>",
"HeaderListUnsubscriber": "<[listunsubscribe]>,<[mailto_uns]>",
"HeaderXAbuse": "Please report abuse here: http://www.mailup.it/email-marketing/Policy-antispam_ENG.asp",
"IdSettings": 14
} |
- Inherit missing values from default settings. they are the values used to create the first list (with identifier equals to 1)
Expand |
Code Block |
"Name": "New Arrivals",
"Business": true,
"Customer": true,
"OwnerEmail": "jane@example.com",
"ReplyTo": "mike@example.com",
"DisplayAs": "Your sender name",
"NLSenderName": "Your list name",
"CompanyName": "Your company",
"ContactName": "Your name",
"Address": "Your address",
"City": "Your city",
"CountryCode": "IT",
"PermissionReminder": "Your permission reminder",
"WebSiteUrl": "www.mailup.it",
"Description": "",
"Phone": "",
"PostalCode": "",
"StateOrProvince": "",
"TimeZoneCode": "UTC+01:00.0",
"SmsSenderName": "",
"DefaultPrefix": "0039",
"SendConfirmSms": false,
"Charset": "UTF-8",
"Format": "html",
"MultipartText": true,
"KBMax": 100,
"NotifyEmail": "",
"OptoutType": 3,
"MultiOptoutList": "19",
"SendEmailOptout": false,
"SubscribedEmail": true,
"BouncedEmail": null,
"FrontendForm": true,
"Public": true,
"ScopeCode": 0,
"TrackOnOpened": true
"ConversionlabTrackCode": "",
"LinkTrackingParameters": "",
"Disclaimer": "Per l'informativa sulla privacy D.Lgs 196/2003 visitare l'home page del sito. <br/> Policy AntiSPAM garantita da <a href=\"http://www.mailup.it/email-marketing/policy-antispam.asp\" target=_blank><img src=\"http://doc.mailupnet.it/logo_small_R.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" /></a>",
"HeaderListUnsubscriber": "<[listunsubscribe]>,<[mailto_uns]>",
"HeaderXAbuse": "Please report abuse here: http://www.mailup.it/email-marketing/Policy-antispam_ENG.asp",
"UseDefaultSettings": true
} |
JSON response (example) | Expand |
Code Block |
| {
"IdList": 19,
"ListGuid": "57f9c675-63d6-498f-91b6-7f60f9f30b2e",
"Name": "New Arrivals",
"Description": "",
"NLSenderName": "Your list name",
"OwnerEmail": "jane@example.com",
"PermissionReminder": "Your permission reminder",
"Address": "Your address",
"Business": true,
"City": "Your city",
"CompanyName": "Your company",
"ContactName": "Your name",
"CountryCode": "IT",
"Customer": true,
"DisplayAs": "Your sender name",
"Phone": "",
"PostalCode": "",
"ReplyTo": "mike@example.com",
"StateOrProvince": "",
"WebSiteUrl": "www.mailup.it"
"BouncedEmail": null,
"Charset": "UTF-8",
"ConversionlabTrackCode": "",
"DefaultPrefix": "0039",
"Disclaimer": "Per l'informativa sulla privacy D.Lgs 196/2003 visitare l'home page del sito. <br/> Policy AntiSPAM garantita da <a href=\"http://www.mailup.it/email-marketing/policy-antispam.asp\" target=_blank><img src=\"http://doc.mailupnet.it/logo_small_R.gif\" border=\"0\" align=\"middle\" /></a>",
"Format": "html",
"FrontendForm": true,
"HeaderListUnsubscriber": "<[listunsubscribe]>,<[mailto_uns]>",
"HeaderXAbuse": "Please report abuse here: http://www.mailup.it/email-marketing/Policy-antispam_ENG.asp",
"KBMax": 100,
"LinkTrackingParameters": "",
"MultiOptoutList": "19",
"MultipartText": true,
"NotifyEmail": "",
"OptoutType": 3,
"Public": true,
"ScopeCode": 0,
"SendConfirmSms": false,
"SendEmailOptout": false,
"SmsSenderName": "",
"SubscribedEmail": true,
"TimeZoneCode": "UTC+01:00.0",
"TrackOnOpened": true
} |