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Image ModifiedWith the MailUp plugin you can easily add a newsletter sign-up form to your Web site or blog, and then send and track email and sms with MailUp. The MailUp newsletter signup plugin for WordPress is available free of charge in the WordPress Plugin directory.

Table of Contents

Video tutorials

Introducing the MailUp Plugin for WordPress

Widget Connector

Locating your MailUp API Credentials

Widget Connector

Settings and Configuration

Widget Connector

Styling the plugin with CSS

Widget Connector

What it does

The MailUp plugin for WordPress makes it easy to ass a customizable newsletter signup form to a WordPress Web site.

  • Visitors to your WordPress-powered blog or Web site will be able to subscribe to your newsletter using a configurable sign-up form. Their information will be saved in your MailUp account.
  • You will use your MailUp admin console to manage those subscribers, create and send messages to them, view statistics on sent messages, and more.
  • The MailUp plugin supports the recommended 'confirmed opt-in' subscription method (i.e. subscriber receives an email with a confirmation link that has to be clicked to confirm the subscription). This method ensures that spam traps or wrong email addresses are never added to your list.
  • The unsubscription process will be managed automatically by MailUp (e.g. unsubscribe link in the footer of your messages).
  • MailUp supports SMS (text messaging) too, so you can choose to collect a mobile phone number as well.
  • It also supports sign-up via a social networking account (additional fees apply: see the MailUp web site for details).

How to use it

MailUp and WordPress make it easy to create a Web site and a blog, and to communicate with readers or site visitors through a newsletter.

  1. Signup for a free trial (no credit card required): English /  Italiano
  2. Create one or more Lists (e.g. two WordPress sites: you will create two Lists in MailUp).
  3. Install the plugin in your WordPress admin area, as described below
  4. Configure settings such as the header, footer, message templates, confirmation request email, welcome message, etc.
  5. Visitors to your Web site will start signing up, and you will be able to track the subscription trend over time in your MailUp admin console.
  6. Create and send email and/or text (SMS) messages to your subscribers.
  7. Use the NEW MESSAGE FROM RSS feature to create a newsletter from RSS feeds (a list of recent articles from your WordPress-powered blog). Just select the posts and choose a template and priority. You will be able to edit the newsletter after it has been automatically created, before you send it, without any copying and pasting.
  8. MailUp automatically manages the unsubscribe process and gives you access to statistics down to the individual recipient level (opens, clicks, social sharing, etc.)


  1. Sign-in to your WordPress admin account from your website or blog.

  2. View the Plugins tab and Click on “Add New.”

  3. Search for the "MailUp" plugin on the search tab

  4. Click on “install now.” and click "yes" to confirm.

  5. Click on "Activate plugin."

  6. Go to the the Appearance section and click on the widgets tab. You can see all the available widgets including the MailUp one.

  7. Drag the MailUp widget into the main sidebar.

  8. You can now go to your website and check that the MailUp newsletter plugin is installed.

Configuring the plugin

After installing the plugin as described above, access the WordPress administration panel and select Settings > WP MailUp in the left-side navigation menu.

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Authorizing WordPress to communicate with MailUp

Before you can connect your WordPress site to your MailUp account by filling out the fields on the setup page, you will need to obtain activate the API credentials.

So, next steps:


MailUp API in your MailUp account:

  1. Log into your MailUp account
  2. Navigate to Settings > Account settings > Developer's corner > Web services
  3. Select Frontend from the drop-down
  4. Check the Enabled checkbox
  5. For added security, enable IP Address Validation and add the IP address of your WordPress site on the same page)Web site
titleLocating the IP address of your Web site
To find out the IP address of your Web site, you can use a service such as or

Connecting WordPress to MailUp

After installing the plugin and authorizing an external connection to your MailUp account, access the WordPress administration panel and select Settings > WP MailUp in the left-side navigation menu to configure the plugin.

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The setup page will be displayed.

Continue with the steps below, starting with adding your MailUp account credentials to the General Settings tab

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Configure the settings in each section as described below. Please note that all the data required to configure the plugin is available in your MailUp console under "Settings > Codes Table". 


Use this section to configure general properties, including the MailUp account URL, form title, etc.


  • Check "Show" to show the field in the widget 
  • Check "Req." to make the field required
  • The field code must match a valid field code in your MailUp console. "Email" and "sms" should not be altered. The other field codes can be any of the field codes available in your MailUp console, and they can be located under "Settings > Codes Table". For example, you could ask for First and Last Name.
  • You can use as few as 1 field and as many as 4 fields. In the example below, 4 fields are used.

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Here is how the plugin looks by default on customer-facing pages:


You can include basic HTML in the textarea field to link to an external document, as shown in the screen shot below.

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Customizing the default CSS styles
