- (optional) From Configurations> List settings> Notifications, create a new confirmation email, inserting a link or a request confirmation button with the editor
- export Export suspended recipients by going to Recipients> Export, selecting "Pending" in the "Email Status" drop-down menu, and clicking "Export" at the bottom of the pageRecipients > List, show "Suspended Emails", then from the "Actions" button select "Export csv";
- When the export is complete, save the file on your computer and unzip it;
- import the pending recipients again;
- go to Recipients> Import and select "Import CSV / TXT";
- in the first screen, upload the file you previously exported, select it and click "Next";
- in the second step, click on "Advanced" and check the option "Send confirmation email", where "Default" should be selected or an email previously created (see point 1).
- Once the import is complete, the pending recipients will receive a new confirmation email.