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Table of Contents



Access token should be related to an authentication that is done by means of a console user that is enabled for creating filters on MailUp admin console.
If you need to use these methods using WS username (i.e. user 'a'+ consoleId is not allowed)console ID, for example a1234) please contact us.

Method parameters

Idalways set to zero0
IdListSpecify here MailUp list ID (or . Use 'NULL0' (zero), if filter is shall be applicable to all lists)1
NameNumber that identifies console IDmyFilter
Descriptionoptional, filter description"this filter selects recipients whose name starts with S"
CategoryCategory ID. Each filter should belong to a category, IDs can be retrieved by reading from tooltips (more on this)3
Conditions[ ]

Array of conditions (at list one). Each condition is composed of the following fields:

  • Id (always set to zero)
  • IdFilter (always set to zero)
  • LogicalOperation (allowed values: None, And, Or)
  • IdPersonalDataField (Personal Data Field ID)
  • IdPersonalDataFieldType (enum value, chosen between PersonalDataFilterConditionFieldType values in WSDL (link)
  • Type (enum value, chosen between PersonalDataFilterConditionType values in WSDL (link)
  • Value (value to be checked by the filter)

If you want to filter all the recipients whose names starts with S you can use these values

  • Id=0
  • IdFilter=0
  • LogicalOperation=None
  • IdPersonalDataField=1
  • PersonalDataFieldTyp=String
  • Type=StartsWith
  • Value=S


Token Access token, used for authentication 
IdFilterID of a previously created filter 

SOAP Examples

Here previously created filter (with ID=49) will be deleted.

Code Block
titleSOAP request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ifil="http://Mailup.WS/IFilterService">
