Published — v. 14
Allows to duplicate a message in MailUp.
Method parameters
- int CloneMessage(string accessKey, string listId, string listGuid, int messageToCloneId, stringsubject)
- accessKey: access key obtained using the Login method
- listId: list identifier
- listGuid: GUID of the list in MailUp
- messageToCloneId: ID of the message to be cloned
- subject: subject of the cloned message. If null or empty, the subject will be the same as the original message
Parameters listGuid e listId can be used together or alternatively, passing one of them as null or empty: in the first case the list is verified using both parameters, otherwise using only the provided parameter.
The method returns:
- the ID of the cloned message
- "-1" if the operation is not completed successfully (e.g. due to incorrect parameters or system failure).
CloneMessage method synchronously executes the following steps:
- Duplication of the MailUp message
- ID of new message is returned to the caller
CloneMessage method asynchronously executes a copy of the files of the message to be cloned.
Inconsistency: the response of CloneMessage method is different from many other MailUpSend methods because it does not include "errorCode" and "errorDescription" fields.
SOAP Examples
SOAP Request
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ws=""> <soap:Header/> <soap:Body> <ws:CloneMessage> <!--Use accessKey value that is returned by LoginFromId method--> <ws:accessKey>HzAgwRRJaAKBtkgNWpkAuURfV4SxMm6T3HJegRuSkUivKJElNNcmSQe8nqGyoM9</ws:accessKey> <ws:listId>7</ws:listId> <ws:listGuid>94abaa1a-e215-4c3d-8a9c-5c66b802d</ws:listGuid> <ws:messageToCloneId>74</ws:messageToCloneId> <ws:subject>I'm a cloned message</ws:subject> </ws:CloneMessage> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
SOAP Response (error case)
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""> <soap:Body> <CloneMessageResponse xmlns=""> <CloneMessageResult>-1</CloneMessageResult> </CloneMessageResponse> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>