Published — v. 2


Markup.htm is the file that FTPZIP will use to generate the email message that will be sent. Note that FTPZIP will run no validation on the actual HTML markup.  

Making sure that the message was correctly coded and will render as expected in different email clients is up to the author.

The following is a working example of a Markup.htm file content, with HTML code that uses two dynamic fields to include the recipient's name and last name (dynamic fields are replaced with the corresponding values at the time the message is sent by MailUp).

Note that in this example the code contains a remotely hosted image, so no image would be included in the ZIP file.

Markup.htm - Remotely referenced image
		<br />
		<img src="" /><br /><br />	
		<p style="font-family:arial;">Hello, I'm [firstname] [lastname]</p>

Although this sample message only contains a remotely hosted image, FTPZIP supports "locally defined" images. To take advantage of this feature, include the images inside the zip and let FTPZIP to replace the image path accordingly. In this case markup would look like the following:

Markup.htm - Zip enclosed image
		<br />
		<img src="Wiki.png" /><br /><br />	
		<p style="font-family:arial;">Hello, I'm [firstname] [lastname]</p>


Using images in the ZIP file does not require any property or settings enabled. Whatever image you enclose into the zip, FTPZIP will copy it and will attempt to reference it in the HTML markup.

  • Path replacement is based on file name. So if you enclose Wiki.png, markup MUST display <img src="Wiki.png" />
  • The allowed image formats are : JPG, GIF, PNG.

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