AI_SFTP-based integration

(S)FTP-based data synchronizations

(S)FTP-based data synchronization is a system to put MailUp in communication with customer systems based on file exchange.
This exchange takes place using the sFTP protocol (port 22) and the file have to be in csv format.

(S)FTP-based data synchronization are a suite of different services that allow:

  • To import recipients and related demographic data into your MailUp account by uploading a .csv file onto an SFTP server.
    In this case the service is called (S)FTP import datasync and using this service you decide when running the file exchange that leads to importing data in the account's database.

  • To export various types of data from MailUp reported in csv reports.
    In this case the service is called (S)FTP export datasync and will deliver all data in one single csv file. This service can be configured to export data from one or more MailUp Lists and referring to either one between email or SMS generated traffic.

  • To send an email message to a defined list of recipients without accessing the MailUp web application.
    In this case the service is called FTP-ZIP and allow you to send an email message to a defined list of recipients by simply uploading a ZIP archive to an sFTP location.

  • To send SMS messages to a defined list of recipientswithout accessing the MailUp web application. 
    In this case the service is called CSV2SMS and allow you to send SMS messages to a defined list of recipients by simply uploading a csv file to an sFTP location.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Limitations

  • (S)FTP-based data synchronisationsare not available out-of-the-box (additional costs may apply), contact your sales representative for an estimation.

  • (S)FTP Data synchronization are not available to MailUp trial accounts

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP import datasync

Using (S)FTP import Datasync you can decide (by simply uploading a new .csv file) when running the file exchange to import data coming from an external system or application to MailUp. An (S)FTP import datasync allows to import recipients and related demographic data into your MailUp account by uploading a .csv file onto an SFTP server.

The system awaits for a csv file to be uploaded and then it is immediatelly handled and imported, so there's no actual schedulation to set as the system will run and import any file as soon as it is submitted.

An instance of a (S)FTP Import Datasync (hereinafter referred as to an Instance) will be configured to import email addresses, mobile numbers or both, in one or more MailUp Lists. Along with the key fields Email and Mobile number, specific subset of recipient fields can as well be imported.

The setup process includes:

  • Where and how you want the recipient to be imported

  • Field mapping

  • File properties

  • Additional properties

Every import session handled by the (S)FTP import Datasync will be logged in the MailUp web application so that the result of each import process can be checked from the MailUp user interface at the Import status section.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP import datasync : Where and how you want to import recipients

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP import datasync : Where and how you want to import recipients : Lists and Groups

(S)FTP Data Sync Import can be configured to add and update recipients:

  • or into one specific MailUp List
    The Instance will be configured at the setup stage so that all of the recipients are going to be imported into one defined MailUp list.
    In this very case you can import recipients into a specific MailUp Group, too.

  • or into several MailUp Lists and Groups
    Destination lists and the groups can be indicated for each and every single recipient included in the csv file, so that it won't be necessary to create more than one file in order to import recipients that belong to different lists or groups.
    In this case the CSV file must include the specifc columns (i.e. idList and IdGroup or ExternalGroupName)  that indicate the destination list and optionally the destination groups, when needed.
    The Instance will be configured at the setup stage to read and use these fields.
    Destination groups must be created beforehand in the MailUp web application, at the page Recipients > Groups

(S)FTP Data Sync Import can be configured to add and update recipients:

  • or using an Incremental mode: implies a csv file containing only the changes since the last import

  • or using a Full mode: implies a csv file containing the entire database every time, replacing previous data.
    The Full import mode can be configured at:

    • List Level

      • The subscription status of any existing subscribed recipients not included in the file will be updated to unsubscribed 

      • The subscription status of any existing unsubscribed recipients included in the file as subscribed (optout field =1. See subscription status paragraph for further details) will be updated to subscribed, with the exception of the Subscription status of Recipients unsubscribed due to hard bounce.

    • Group Level

      • Any existing recipient in the group who is not included in the file will be removed from the group

      • Any recipients included in the file will be added to the group.

(S)FTP Data Sync Import can be configured to add and update recipients:

  • or to import all of the recipients contained in the file as subscribed or as unsubscribed.
    The Instance will be configured at the setup stage so that all of the recipients will be imported in a specific subscription registration status.

    • if imports all recipients as subscribed, subscription status of recipients already registered as unsubscribed won't be altered in their subscription status. They will stay as unsubscribed;

    • If imports recipients as unsubscribed, Subscription status of a recipients already registered as subscribed will be updated to unsubscribed.

  • or to import recipients contained in the file as subscribed or unsubscribed based on data provided in the CSV file.
    Recipients' subscription status can be specified for each recipient contained in the csv file so that it won't be necessary to create more than one file to import subscribed and unsubscribed contacts.
    The CSV file must include a column (optout) to indicate the Subscription Status of each recipient.
    The Instance will be configured at the setup stage to read and use that column value to rule the subscription status as follows:

    • When the value of the column is 1, the recipients will be imported as subscribed.
      If a subscriber is already registered in the destination list as unsubscribed and is imported as subscribed, its subscription status is updated to subscribed. Subscription status of recipients previously unsubscribed due to hard bounce won't be updated.

    • When the value of the column is 0, the recipients will be imported as unsubscribed.
      If a subscriber is already registered in the destination list as subscribed and is imported as unsubscribed, its subscription status is updated to unsubscribed.

(S)FTP Data Sync Import can be configured to add and update recipients:

  • only into MailUp email context: recipients are going to be imported using only their Email address;
    It is very important to check the correct syntax of email addresses, i.e. that there are no forbidden characters or spaces. Spaces before and after the address are trimmed automatically during the import process.

  • only onto MailUp SMS context: recipients are going to be imported using only their Mobile number.
    In general when importing a mobile number, if it is provided without area code, the default area code (for the list he's being imported to) will be used for that mobile number.

  • or into both MailUp email and MailUp SMS contexts, where the recipients are imported using both Email and Mobile number as a key.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP import datasync : Fields Mapping

The Instance will be be configured at the setup stage so that it can associate the colums of the CSV file with the personal fields of your MailUp account.

The CSV file structure/layout is 100% configurable, it requires to comply to a correct correspondence between the fields in the file and:

  • the recipients personal fields, 

  • the recipients identifiers fields (email address or phone number),

  • the recipients destination fields (lists, groups, subscriprion status) of the MailUp console.

In case of empty personal data fields, their column has to be specified anyway

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP import datasync : File Properties

Recipients’ fields Data is always imported as text and fields must not contain more than 200 characters. 

it is possible to set:

  • the character to be used as a field separator, keeping in mind that just one type of separator is allowed in a file and that the separator should not be used at the end of a line, after the last field.

  • the text delimiter enclosing the column values

If needed, the first row of the file can contain a header row that gives the columns a name.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP import datasync : Additional Properties

For every configured data sync, once a file is uploaded to the SFTP location (on the MailUp server), the import process will be carried out and completed as soon as possible (the execution time depends on the number of recipients and the columns the csv contains). 

If preferred, a third party FTP / SFTP server can be used for the file exchange. If you are using your personal FTP server, the import will be executed at the schedule defined in the configuration.

  • The instance can be configured to overwrite existing field value saved in MailUp when then csv columns are empty, as opposed to having the data sync to ignore entirely the csv columns displying no value.

  • You can configure one or serveral email addresses that will be notified with an email message with the result of the import process every time a file is imported.
    Multiple addresses must be added separated by ; (semicolon).

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync

(S)FTP export datasync are automated (S)FTP-based exports services. They can bea better approach than using the statistics API counterpart, especially if the data expected in return is allegedly significant.

  • The (S)FTP export will deliver all data in one single csv file, as opposed to using the API which might possibly require an array of callbacks to retrieve the same amount of data for the same time frame. 

  • An (S)FTP Export data sync (hereinafter referred as to an Instance) is configured to export data from one or more MailUp Lists and referring to either one between email or SMS generated traffic.

It is possible to enable one or more instances (tipically one for each kind) of the following (S)FTP data export types:

  • Export of email subscribers

  • Export of email unsubscribers

  • Export of email statistics (delivered, opens, clicks, bounces)

  • Export of SMS statistics

With every instances, it can be defined:

  • What data is to be included in the report

  • Environments and export timeframe (i.e. which MailUp lists you want to extract data from and the extraction period)

  • Schedulation and delivery of the export

  • Properties of the exported file

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Statistics

This export type displays the statistical data about Email channel related to one or more Mailup lists in a certain time frame.

The eventual layout is partly configurable.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Statistics : What data is to be included in the report

The CSV report can reports data about Sent, Opens, Clicks and Bounces for each email message sent from selected lists.
You can set the instance to choose which one are the events included in the report. 
You can set the instance to generate reports that contains one or more of the following data except for the email address and the MailUp list id, which are required values that will always be enclosed in the report.
Data can be found to this link

 (S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Statistics : Environments and export timeframe

You can define which MailUp lists you want to extract data from and the extraction period.

Extraction period is the timeframe which the report refers to.
Usually you can configure an Instance to generate a report containing:

  • all events registered in the last 24 hours for the MailUp lists you have indicated

  • all events registered from the last export executed for the MailUp lists you have indicated

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Statistics : Schedulation and delivery of the export

It can be defined:

  • when the data export will be executed: for example every day at 10:00 or every Tuesday at 10:00.

  • where the file CSV should be delivered: you can retrieve the file from the MailUp SFTP server (which is the default behavior), as opposed to having the Instance configured to deliver the csv file over an external (S)FTP server

  • properties of the generated CSV file: mainly the name of the file

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Statistics : Properties of the exported file

You can define how the report CSV will ultimately look like. You can also set properties that define the CSV structure and properties of the physical file the report will be contained into:

  • Separator, the character used to separate the column of the CSV report: you can choose between semicolon ( ; ), or comma ( , ), or pipe ( | )

  • Delimiter, the character used to enclose data when needed: you can choose between double quotes ( " ), or single quote ( ' )

  • Datatime Format for any date/time field type

  • File encoding, the encoding type of the physical CSV file delivered: one between UTF-8 (includes both Latin and other alphabets characters) or ANSI (include only Latin characters) can be selected. 

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Subscribers

This export type displays the subscribed recipients in a certain time frame and belonging to one or more Mailup lists. The eventual layout is partly configurable.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Subscribers : What data is to be included in the report

The CSV report reports the following data related to the subscribed recipients.

You can set the instance to generate reports that contains one or more of the following data except for the subscribed email address, which is a required value that will always be present in the first column of the report.
Data can be found to this link .

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Subscribers : Environments and export timeframe

You can define which MailUp lists you want to extract data from and the extraction period.

Extraction period is the timeframe which the report refers to.
Usually you can configure an Instance to generate report containing:

  • all new subscribers who registered in the last 24 hours for the MailUp lists you have indicated

  • all new subscribers who registered from the last export executed for the MailUp lists you have indicated

  • all subscribers in MailUp from one or multiple MailUp lists

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Subscribers : Schedulation and delivery of the export

It can be defined:

  • when the data export will be executed: for example every day at 10:00 or every Tuesday at 10:00.

  • where the file CSV should be delivered: you can retrieve the file from the MailUp SFTP server (which is the default behavior), as opposed to having the Instance configured to deliver the csv file over an external (S)FTP server

  • properties of the generated CSV file: mainly the name of the file

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Subscribers : Properties of the exported file

You can define how the report CSV will ultimately look like. You can also set properties that define the CSV structure and properties of the physical file the report will be contained into:

  • Separator, the character used to separate the column of the CSV report: you can choose between semicolon ( ; ), or comma ( , ), or pipe ( | )

  • Delimiter, the character used to enclose data when needed: you can choose between double quotes ( " ), or single quote ( ' )

  • Datatime Format for any date/time field type

  • File encoding, the encoding type of the physical CSV file delivered: one between UTF-8 (includes both Latin and other alphabets characters) or ANSI (include only Latin characters) can be selected. 

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Unsubscribers

This export type displays the unsubscribed recipients in a certain time frame and belonging to one or more Mailup lists. The eventual layout is partly configurable.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Subscribers : What data is to be included in the report

The CSV report encloses the following data related to the unsubscribed recipients.

You can set the instance to generate reports that contains one or more of the following data except for the unsubscribed email address, which is a required value that will always be included and displayed in the first column of the report.

Data can be found to this link .

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Unsubscribers : Environments and export timeframe

You can define which MailUp lists you want to extract data from and the extraction period.

Extraction period is the timeframe which the report refers.
Usually you can configure an Instance to generate report containing:

  • all new unsubscribers from the last 24 hours for the desired MailUp lists

  • all new unsubscribers that happened from the last export executed for the desired MailUp lists

  • all unsubscribers in the MailUp for the desired MailUp lists

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Unsubscribers: Schedulation and delivery of the export

It can be defined:

  • when the data export will be executed: for example every day at 10:00 or every Tuesday at 10:00.

  • where the file CSV should be delivered: you can retrieve the file from the MailUp SFTP server (which is the default behavior), as opposed to having the Instance configured to deliver the csv file over an external (S)FTP server

  • properties of the generated CSV file: mainly the name of the file

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : Email Subscribers : Properties of the exported file

You can define how the report CSV will ultimately look like. You can also set properties that define the CSV structure and properties of the physical file the report will be contained into:

  • Separator, the character used to separate the column of the CSV report: you can choose between semicolon ( ; ), or comma ( , ), or pipe ( | )

  • Delimiter, the character used to enclose data when needed: you can choose between double quotes ( " ), or single quote ( ' )

  • Datatime Format for any date/time field type

  • File encoding, the encoding type of the physical CSV file delivered: one between UTF-8 (includes both Latin and other alphabets characters) or ANSI (include only Latin characters) can be selected. 

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : SMS Statistics

This export type displays the statistical data about SMS channel related to one or more Mailup lists in a certain time frame. The eventual layout is partly configurable.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : SMS Statistics : What data is to be included in the report

The CSV report will report as many rows as many were the actions taken by a recipient towards a certain SMS campaign.  In details this report provide the change of the delivery state of every SMS messages sent registered in the choosen timeframe.

You can set the instance to generate reports that contains one or more of the following data except for the mobile number, the MailUp list id, the numeric identifier of the sent SMS message, the sending date of the SMS message, the date of the delivery receipt and the delivery status of the SMS message, which are mandatory columns/values that will always be displayed in the report.
Data can be found to this link .

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : SMS Statistics : Environments and export timeframe

You can define which MailUp lists you want to extract data from and the extraction period.

Extraction period is the timeframe which the report refers.
Usually you can configure an Instance to generate report containing:

  • all events arose in the last 24 hours for the MailUp lists you have indicated

  • all events arose from the last export executed for the MailUp lists you have indicated

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : SMS Statistics: Schedulation and delivery of the export

It can be defined:

  • when the data export will be executed: for example every day at 10:00 or every Tuesday at 10:00.

  • where the file CSV should be delivered: you can retrieve the file from the MailUp SFTP server (which is the default behavior), as opposed to having the Instance configured to deliver the csv file over an external (S)FTP server

  • properties of the generated CSV file: mainly the name of the file

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: (S)FTP export datasync : SMS Statistics : Properties of the exported file

You can define how the report CSV will ultimately look like. You can also set properties that define the CSV structure and properties of the physical file the report will be contained into:

  • Separator, the character used to separate the column of the CSV report: you can choose between semicolon ( ; ), or comma ( , ), or pipe ( | )

  • Delimiter, the character used to enclose data when needed: you can choose between double quotes ( " ), or single quote ( ' )

  • Datatime Format for any date/time field type

  • File encoding, the encoding type of the physical CSV file delivered: one between UTF-8 (includes both Latin and other alphabets characters) or ANSI (include only Latin characters) can be selected. 

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Batch SFTP-ZIP

SFTPZIP is a MailUp application that allows to send an email message to a defined list of recipients by simply uploading a ZIP archive to an sFTP location (via sFTP only, using port 22). 
This features is typically used by advanced users that have a need for configuring and sending a campaign without accessing the MailUp web application, and without using the MailUp APIs.

SFTPZIP will be configured to execute only Massive Send, only Transactional Send or both.
For details about FTPZIP configuration ask to your commercial reference.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Batch SFTP-ZIP : Operation modes

FTPZIP presents different Operation Modes. They are:

  • (FULL) Create and send an email message to a list of recipients.

  • (SEND) Send an already defined email message to a list of recipients.

  • (SEND) Send a copy of an already defined email message to a list of recipients. 

  • (SAVE) Create an email message.

Depending on what you are trying to accomplish, you can enclose in the ZIP archive different kinds of files.
The only mandatory file is the one called settings.xml. The information enclosed in settings.xml allows to determine the Operations Mode and the details needed for each different operation mode.

Send of email message to a list of recipients can be executed in two different ways:

  • Using Massive Send
    When FTPZIP works in this way:

    • Subscribers listed in Recipients.csv are subscribed to MailUp Account Database complete of all personal data. It is a real Data Sync.
      For this reason in Recipients.csv you can only can add up as many dynamic fields as your account allows, comply with the formatting policies mentioned at the following link: CSV File Format .

    • Personal data of the subscribers listed in Recipients.csv file can be used as Dynamic Fields in the newsletter if the use of Dynamic Fields is enabled for the account and the Newsletter.

    • Imported Personal Data can be used in the filter and segmentation mechanism of the MailUp Account.

  • Using Transactional Send in case FTPZIP executes a Transactional Send, the personal data of subscribers listed in the Recipients.csv file  aren't imported in MailUp Account Database.  
    Email message are sent using MailUp Transactional API. Details about how to enable and configure Transactional Mailing on a MailUp Account are here.  

    When FTPZIP works in this way:

    • Subscribers listed in Recipients.csv are subscribed to MailUp Account Database, but personal data aren't imported. It isn't a real Data Sync.
      For this reason  in Recipients.csv you can add up more dynamic fields as your account allows.

    • Personal data of the subscribers listed in Recipients.csv file can be used as Dynamic Fields in the newsletter, if the use of Dynamic Fields is enabled for the account and the Newsletter (see Settings.xml)

    • To work is necessary that the SMTP+ functionality is enabled for the MailUp Account.

    • FTPZIP manages only immediate Transactional Mailing. Schedulation of Transactional Mailing isn't foreseen at the moment.

We recommend use of Transactional Send when is required manage more than one zip archive at the same time and the newsletters have to be sent to a reduced amount of subscribers.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Batch SFTP-ZIP : Zip Archive structure

The structure of the provided is going to change based on the operational mode described which the SFTP-ZIP will work.
The operational mode is spacified in the settings.xml file provided in the zip archive.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Batch SFTP-ZIP : Zip Archive structure : Operational Mode FULL

In that case the SFTP-ZIP are going to create an Email Message on a Lists and send it to all the subscribers listed in the subscribers.csv file.
For this reason the zip archive must contains the a file that describe the HTML of the email message, named markup.html and if it necessary the images and the attachments related to the email message

  • Create a message without images and attachment:

    • Settings.xml

    • Markup.html

    • Recipients.csv

  • Create a message with images:

    • Settings.xml

    • Markup.html

    • Recipients.csv

    • All image files described in Markup.html, in the correct patterns (if Markup.html contains AN IMAGE /IMAGES/imgae.jpg in the zip archive it is necessary to have the file image.jpg saved in the folder images)

  • Create a message with attachments

    • Settings.xml

    • Markup.html

    • Recipients.csv

    • Attachments: Folder that contains the files that will be attached to the newsletters.

  • Create a message with images and attachments

    • Settings.xml

    • Markup.html

    • Recipients.csv

    • Attachments: Folder that contains the files that will be attached to the newsletters.

    • All image files described in Markup.html, in the correct patterns (if Markup.html contains AN IMAGE /IMAGES/imgae.jpg in the zip archive it is necessary to have the file image.jpg saved in the folder images)

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Batch SFTP-ZIP : Zip Archive structure : Operational Mode SEND

In that case the SFTP-ZIP are going to send an Email Message already created on a Lists and send it to all the subscribers listed in the subscribers.csv file. In this case the strucrure of the compressed archive is teh following:

  • Settings.xml

  • Recipients.csv

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Batch SFTP-ZIP : Zip Archive structure : Operational Mode Save

In that case the SFTP-ZIP are going to create an Email Message on a Lists and don’t send it to anyone.
For this reason the zip archive must contains the a file that describe the HTML of the email message, named markup.html and if it necessary the images and the attachments related to the email message

  • Create a message without images and attachment:

    • Settings.xml

    • Markup.html

  • Create a message with images:

    • Settings.xml

    • Markup.html

    • All image files described in Markup.html, in the correct patterns (if Markup.html contains AN IMAGE /IMAGES/imgae.jpg in the zip archive it is necessary to have the file image.jpg saved in the folder images)

  • Create a message with attachments

    • Settings.xml

    • Markup.html

    • Attachments: Folder that contains the files that will be attached to the newsletters.

  • Create a message with images and attachments

    • Settings.xml

    • Markup.html

    • Attachments: Folder that contains the files that will be attached to the newsletters.

    • All image files described in Markup.html, in the correct patterns (if Markup.html contains AN IMAGE /IMAGES/imgae.jpg in the zip archive it is necessary to have the file image.jpg saved in the folder images)

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Batch SFTP-ZIP : Massive Send

We recommend use of Massive Send when is required manage a single zip archive one at a time and the newsletter have to be sent to a great amount of subscribers. 

In case FTPZIP executes a Massive Send, the personal data of subscribers listed in the Recipients.csv file are imported in MailUp Account Database. 
Email messages are sent as a common mailing executed using the MailUp Web Application.

When FTPZIP works in this way:

  • Subscribers listed in Recipients.csv are subscribed to MailUp Account Database complete of all personal data. It is a real Data Sync.
    For this reason in Recipients.csv you can only can add up as many dynamic fields as your account allows, comply with the formatting policies mentioned at the page CSV File Format .

  • Personal data of the subscribers listed in Recipients.csv file can be used as Dynamic Fields in the newsletter if the use of Dynamic Fields is enabled for the account and the Newsletter.

  • Imported Personal Data can be used in the filter and segmentation mechanism of the MailUp Account.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Batch SFTP-ZIP : Massive Send : Recipient.csv

It is the file that will contain the recipients for the campaign when Operation Mode is FULL or SEND:

  • You can use any kind of separator, but you must define it in the proper Settings.xml property (“Separator”).

  • Make sure Recipients.csv was saved with UTF-8 encoding to avoid loss of special characters in some recipient names or content

  • You can add up as many dynamic fields as your account allows.

You can find exampls and dexcription of how the recipients.csv file has to be written in this link

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations : Batch SFTP-ZIP : Massive Send : Settings.xml

Settings.xml is the only mandatory content of the ZIP Archive.

The XML structure is divided in three main nodes:

  • Header: General data regarding FTPZIP operations

  • Content: Data about the Mailing that will be executed and the Newsletter that will be created.

  • AdvancedSettings: Data about message creation, Kind of Mailing, CSV File features.

You can find examples and description of the settings.xml file structures in this link .

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations : Batch SFTP-ZIP : Transactional Send

In case FTPZIP executes a Transactional Send, the personal data of subscribers listed in the Recipients.csv file  aren't imported in MailUp Account Database.  
Email message are sent using MailUp Transactional API.  

When FTPZIP works in this way:

  • Subscribers listed in Recipients.csv are subscribed to MailUp Account Database, but personal data aren't imported. It isn't a real Data Sync.
    For this reason  in Recipients.csv you can add up more dynamic fields as your account allows

  • Personal data of the subscribers listed in Recipients.csv file can be used as Dynamic Fields in the newsletter, if the use of Dynamic Fields is enabled for the account and the Newsletter

  • To work is necessary that the SMTP+ functionality is enabled for the MailUp Account.

  • To work is necessary that SMTP+ users are defined for the MailUp Lists.

  • FTPZIP manages only immediate Transactional Mailing. Schedulation of Transactional Mailing isn't foreseen at the moment.

  • Transactional mailing doesn't allow sending attachments.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Batch SFTP-ZIP : Transactional Send : Recipient.csv

It is the file that will contain the recipients for the campaign when Operation Mode is FULL or SEND:

  • You can use any kind of separator, but you must define it in the proper Settings.xml property (“Separator”).

  • Make sure Recipients.csv was saved with UTF-8 encoding to avoid loss of special characters in some recipient names or content

  • You can add up the dynamic fields that your account allows 

  • You can add others dynamic fields.

  • It is possible use a column to attach a file to the sent email to the given subscriber. File have to be present in the folder attachment of the Zip Archive.

You can find exampls and description of how the recipients.csv file has to be written in this link.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Batch SFTP-ZIP : Transactional Send : Settings.xml

Settings.xml is the only mandatory content of the ZIP Archive.

The XML structure is divided in three main nodes:

  • Header: General data regarding FTPZIP operations

  • Content: Data about the Mailing that will be executed and the Newsletter that will be created.

  • AdvancedSettings: Data about message creation, Kind of Mailing, CSV File features.

You can find examples and description of the settings.xml file structures in this link .

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations : Batch SFTP-ZIP : Upload ZIP Archive

The ZIP archive has to be uploaded in the FTP subfolder “/import_zip” that can be accessed from your FTP root path.

Use SFTP protocol (port 22).

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: Batch SFTP-ZIP : Notification alert messages

FTPZIP can send email message to notify the result of the operation or error arisen during the execution. The email messages are sent to the address written in the node notifyemail in settings.xml.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: CSV2SMS

This feature allows to import contacts and send text messages in one single operation. You can deposit your .CSV file on a shared repository on MailUp servers: this file must contain all the required information for sending (e.g. sender, date and time of sending, body of the text message, recipients, and so on). 

This feature was designed for handling files containing several hundreds or several thousands of recipients with a single file and no more than one file in a minute. If you are planning to develop an integration with an higher upload frequency or with smaller files, we recommend you consider using transactional APIs for SMS instead.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: CSV2SMS : File format

Please ensure you save your file using UTF-8 encoding (with BOM), otherwise extended ASCII characters (e.g. accented letters, non western alphabets...) may be corrupted.

The .CSV file must be structured in two sections: header and messages.

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: CSV2SMS : File format : Header

The header is made of a fixed number of rows: each one has a specific meaning and is preceded by the symbol "#" (number sign).

File import fails if the header has a number of rows other than seven, and/or if at least one of them has an incorrect format. Rows containing optional fields can be left empty, but the symbol "#" must be inserted anyway.

During the import process MailUp automatically removes from the header all the ";" characters, making the conversion from .XLS to .CSV easier.
You can find examples and description of the csv file in this link .

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: CSV2SMS : File format : Messages

The .csv file can contain an unlimited number of rows referring to the messages to be sent. Each row must have the following structure described in the this link.

  • The separator to be used is ";"

  • The first row of the messages section must describe the different columns: e.g. MOBILE NUMBER;TEXT;Field1;Field2;Field3;Field4;UNICODE

  • Insert a number of placemarks according to the needs of the file creator

  • All the rows must contain the same number of fields (some of them might be empty as well)

  • At least one column must be created for placemarks (e.g. Field1)

  • The content of the placemark personalizes the message but does not update the data in the MailUp console

  • At the end of the messages section you can add a row that serves as a commentary, it must begin with "#"

  • Duplicated recipients inside the same file are ignored

(S)FTP-based data synchronisations: CSV2SMS : File format : Sample files

  • Queueing only (with non-duplication code)
    #2012-02-29 09:50
    #Special offer
    MOBILE NUMBER;TEXT;Field1;Field2;Field3;Field4;UNICODE
    +18889624587;hello [#1] your surname is [#2] and you live in [#3] [#4];John;Smith;One Market Plaza, 5th floor;CA;0
    0018881234567;hello [#2] your name is [#1] and you live in [#3] [#4];;Patricia;Johnson;Lexington, 1500;NY;0

  • Immediate sending to a list with default prefix 001 (international prefix is mandatory only when sending abroad)
    #Special offer
    MOBILE NUMBER;TEXT;Field1;Field2;Field3;Field4;UNICODE
    8889624587;hello [#1] your surname is [#2] and you live in [#3] [#4];John;Smith;One Market Plaza, 5th floor;CA;0
    8881234567;hello [#2] your name is [#1] and you live in [#3] [#4];;Patricia;Johnson;Lexington, 1500;NY;0
    +34933181998;Hola [#2] tu nombre es [#1];Miguel;Bosè;Plaza Major, 28;Madrid;0
    +4901512345678; Halo [#2], du heißt [#1];Merkel; Angela;2;Berlin;0

  • Sending scheduled for February 29th, 2023 at 9:50 AM
    #2023-02-29 09:50
    #Special offer
    MOBILE NUMBER;TEXT;Field1;Field2;Field3;Field4;UNICODE
    +18889624587;hello [#1] your surname is [#2] and you live in [#3] [#4];John;Smith;One Market Plaza, 5th floor;CA;0
    0018881234567;hello [#2] your name is [#1] and you live in [#3] [#4];;Patricia;Johnson;Lexington, 1500;NY;0
    +34933181998;Hola [#2] tu nombre es [#1];Miguel;Bosè;Plaza Major, 28;Madrid;0
    +4901512345678; Halo [#2], du heißt [#1];Merkel; Angela;2;Berlin;0

  • Immediate sending with one placemark only
    #Special offer
    8889624587;hello [#1];John;0
    8881234567;hello [#1];Patricia;0
    +34933181998;Hola [#1];Miguel;0
    +4901512345678; Halo [#1];Angela;0