The automated (S)FTP-based exports can be a better solution when compared to using the statistics API counterpart, especially if the volume of the information returned is allegedly significant.
The (S)FTP export will deliver all data in one single csv file, as opposed to using the API which might possibly require a series of callbacks to retrieve the same amount of data for the same time frame.
An (S)FTP Export data sync (hereinafter referred as to an Instance) is configured to export data from one or more MailUp Lists and referring to either one bewteen email or SMS generated traffic.
It is possible to enable one or more instances (tipically one for each kind) of the following (S)FTP data export types:
- Export of email subscribers
- Export of email unsubscribers
- Export of email statistics (delivered, opens, clicks, bounces)
- Export of SMS statistics
With every instances, it can be defined:
- What data is to be included in the report
Environments and export timeframe (i.e. which MailUp lists you want to extract data from and the extraction period)
What data is to be included in the report
The data the export file includes depends on the kind of export purchased, for this reason they are detailed each in their related help page below:
- Export of email subscribers
- Export of email unsubscribers
- Export of email statistics (delivered, opens, clicks, bounces)
- Export of SMS statistics
Properties of the exported file
You can define how the report CSV will ultimately look like. You can also set properties that define the CSV structure and properties of the physical file the report will be contained into:
- Separator, the character used to separate the column of the CSV report: you can choose between semicolon ( ; ), or comma ( , ), or pipe ( | )
- Delimiter, the character used to enclose data when needed: you can choose between double quotes ( " ), or single quote ( ' )
- Datatime Format for any date/time field type
- File encoding, the encoding type of the physical CSV file delivered: one between UTF-8 (includes both Latin and other alphabets characters) or ANSI (include only Latin characters) can be selected.
Environments and export timeframe
You can define which MailUp lists you want to extract data from and the extraction period.
Extraction period is the timeframe which the report refers to. Usually you can configure an instance to deliver a report containing all of the data generated from the last 24 hours or from the date/time the same export ran successfully last time.
These settings can change based on the kind of (S)FTP export. You can find further details in each specific help page:
- Export of email subscribers
- Export of email unsubscribers
- Export of email statistics (delivered, opens, clicks, bounces)
- Export of SMS statistics
Schedulation and delivery of the export
It can be defined:
- when the data export will be executed: for example every day at 10:00 or every Tuesday at 10:00.
- where the file CSV should be delivered: you can retrieve the file from the MailUp SFTP server (which is the default behavior), as opposed to have configured the Instance to deliver the csv file over an external (S)FTP server
characteristics of the generated CSV file: mainly the name of the file
These settings can change based on the kind of (S)FTP export. Further details can be found at the related help page for each type of export:
- Export of email subscribers
- Export of email unsubscribers
- Export of email statistics (delivered, opens, clicks, bounces)
- Export of SMS statistics
You can also define the name of the CSV file that will be generated.
Important Note
In case of incremental export we suggest you to add the Date / time (timestamp) as part of the csv file name. Doing so, the date and time of the extraction will be added to the name of the delivered file, preventing the system from overwriting csv files coming from previous export sessions/periods