This page provides you information about how to use MailUp REST API to create email messages and to send them to specified recipients.
On this page:
Email messages
An email message is always created inside the environment of a MailUp list, so it cannot be managed outside of that list.
Please note that, when creating a new email message, any referenced tag or attachment must be created in advance for that list.
Create a message
Please note that, when creating a new email message, any referenced tag or attachment must be created in advance for that list.
Description | Create a new email message |
HTTP Method | POST |
URL | https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email |
JSON request (example) | |
JSON response (example) | {"Subject":"Monthly Newsletter 4","idList":2,"idMessage":47}
Paging and filtering (example) |
List Messages
Description | Retreive email messages of specified list |
HTTP Method | GET |
URL | Retreive all email messages of that list GET https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Emails
Retreive only email messages that have been published (i.e. with public visibility, see details) GET https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Online/Emails
Retreive only email messages that have been archived (i.e. with public visibility, see details) GET https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Archived/Emails
*an empty list is returned if public visibility of messages (aka Web library) is disabled. You shall enable it to retreive them |
JSON request (example) | none |
JSON response (example) | All email messages of specified list
List published messages (public URLs are also provided)
List archived messages |
Paging and filtering (example) | 2 items per page, get first page (count starts from zero)
Retreive messages that contain the word "test" in the subject field and order by ID. Note: search by text is case sensitive
Read message details
Description | Retrieve the email details (content, settings, attachment) by specified id |
HTTP Method | GET |
URL | Retrieve the email details by specified id https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}
Get attachment list for the specified message id https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/Attachment |
JSON request (example) | none |
JSON response (example) | Message content
Message attachments |
Paging and filtering (example) | 2 items per page, get first page (count starts from zero)
Retreive messages that contain the word "test" in the subject field and order by ID. Note: search by text is case sensitive
Update message
This method allows you to modify an existing message (content and settings).
Please note that
- "Tags" field is mandatory, if you leave it empty the existing tags of that message are not modified. There is no way to clear all tags
- "Fields" parameter is optional
- "TrackingInfo > Protocols" field values are ignored if "TrackingInfo > Enabled" is set to false
Description | Modify an existing message |
HTTP Method | PUT |
URL | https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message} |
JSON request (example) | Request data format is the same as the response of "GET /Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}" |
JSON response (example) | {"Subject":"Monthly Newsletter!","idList":2,"idMessage":24} |
Paging and filtering (example) | none |
Manage tags
Description | Read available tags for a specified list |
URL | Retrieve list tags: GET https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Tags Create a new tag: POST https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Tag Modify a tag: PUT https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Tag/{id_Tag} Remove a list tag: DELETE https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Tag/{id_Tag} |
JSON request (example) | No request body is required for GET and DELETE methods POST method requires a simple string as parameter (e.g. "my-new-tag"), not a JSON structure PUT method requires a full structure like {"Enabled":true,"Id":6,"Name":"my-new-tag"} |
JSON response (example) | GET method returns the retrieved tags list POST and PUT methods return the full structure of the created/updated tag, e.g. {"Enabled":true,"Id":6,"Name":"my-new-tag"} An empty response is returned by DELETE method |
Paging and filtering (example) | none |
Manage email attachments
MailUp messages support a maximum of five attachments. Each attachment is placed in a specified "slot": adding and removing an attachment means adding to a message "slot" or removing from it.
Description | Read, add and remove message attachments |
URL | Retreive all the attachments of a specified message GET https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/Attachment
Add an attachment to message slot POST https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/Attachment/{Slot}
Remove an attachment from a message slot DELETE https://services.mailup.com/API/v1.1/Rest/ConsoleService.svc/Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/Attachment/{Slot} |
JSON request (example) | Only POST method needs a request parameter. Attachment has to be Base64 encoded |
JSON response (example) | GET method returns a list of the documents that are attached to specified message. An empty array ([], not JSON format) is returned if no document is attached. |
Paging and filtering (example) |
Send Email Messages
Send to all subscribers
Description | |
HTTP Method | POST |
JSON request (example) | none |
JSON response (example) |
Paging and filtering (example) |
Send to a group
Description | |
HTTP Method | POST |
JSON request (example) | none |
JSON response (example) |
Paging and filtering (example) |
Send to a recipient
Description | |
HTTP Method | POST |
JSON request (example) | none |
JSON response (example) |
Paging and filtering (example) |
Retreive sending history
An email message can be sent several times. This feature allows to retreive details about each sending.
Description | |
HTTP Method | GET |
URL | /Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/SendHistory |
JSON request (example) | none |
JSON response (example) | |
Paging and filtering (example) | N/A |