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Table of Contents

Windows Server (ASP 3.0)

In case the customer's portal has its own subscription forms, linked to other databases (e.g. to register to a database, to access a restricted area, to authenticate a user…) it is possible to add to the page code the following code, which allows to simultaneously record the data also within the MailUp console, with or without confirmation request.

Code Block




on error resume next 


Dim strEmail, intList, intGroup 


Dim xml, url, response_val 


strEmail=request("email") ' user's email address


intList=request("list") ' list ID


intGroup=request("group") ' group to which to subscribe the user (optional) 


blnConfirm = 1 'Confirmation request


csvFldNames = "Field1;Field2;Field3;Field4" 'Field names are taken from the Codes Table 


csvFldValues = "Name;Surname;Company;M" 'Values are assigned to the corresponding fields in the same order as csvFldNames 


retCode = 1 'if retCode = 1 the value returned by the request is an error code, if retCode = 0 error text is returned


'The page that will be called on our servers




' XMLHTTP version 3.0: 


Set xml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") 


xml.Open "POST",url,false 


' Request is sent 


xml.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" 


xml.Send "email=" & strEmail & "&list=" & intList & "&group=" & intGroup & "&confirm=" & blnConfirm & "&csvFldNames=" & csvFldNames& "&csvFldValues=" & csvFldValues & "&retCode=" & retCode 


'If retCode = 1 returned values are the following:


'Returned values: 


'0 : Operation completed


'1 : Generic error


'2 : Invalid address 


'3 : User already subscribed


if err.number=0 then 


'Value returned by the call 




Set xml = Nothing 




'The call was unsuccessful (e.g. Network error). 




Set xml=nothing 


end if 


' Once the value has been returned it is possible to decide what to do/view 


Select Case response_val 


Case "0" 


'Display a message saying the user was subscribed successfully 




Case "1" 


'Display a message saying the service is not accessible at the moment




Case "2" 


'Display a message saying the email address in an invalid address




Case "3" 


'Display a message saying that the user is already subscribed 


Case Else 


'Display a message saying the service is temporarily unavailable


End Select 


'If retCode = 0 error text is returned


' Returned value is retrieved 




Set xml = Nothing 




Windows Server (ASP.NET)


The following code has been developed using C# language.
