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Table of Contents

Integrating an existing form with MailUp

A subscription form on the customer’s website can transfer the inserted data to the MailUp account through calls to aspx pages. There are aspx pages that allow to insert, modify, search, and remove contacts in your MailUp account.


Please refer to Subscriptions via API for technical details on how to perform these operations.

Creating a new subscription form

Customers who do not have a subscription form available can create a new one, or use one of the forms provided inside the MailUp console.

Ready-to-use buttons and forms

Subscription buttons and links to predefined forms are available in the MailUp console at the page Settings > Subscription Form. The form’s HTML code can also be copied and pasted on any website (asp, php, etc..): it will work perfectly, as its path is absolute.

Personalized forms

Standard forms and buttons are available by selecting Settings > Subscription Form in the MailUp admin console. You can copy and paste them, and then freely customize them, as calls have an absolute path to the form handler. This way, it is very simple to create new forms for special scenarios such as events or meetings, without any particular programming skills. All the variables to be passed (name=list, group, field1, field2…) can be of any type (type=checkbox, text, radio, button) and can assume any value. Two procedures can be used to develop these forms:

Using MailUp's subscription forms

  • You may modify these forms with any HTML editor and place them on your website, with the freedom to modify the number of fields and the format (dropdown, plain text, checkbox, radiobutton).
  • The form action uses an absolute path to the form handler hosted by MailUp, so it will work after being copied and pasted to another location
  • Your MailUp admin console allows to create subscription forms that can be inserted on any website regardless of the OS (Linux, Windows..) and of the language. Simple JavaScript validation on the validity of the provided email address is included.
  • Several subscription forms are available in the MailUp admin console, and they can be freely used and published. To activate or disable them, go to the page Settings > Edit lists in the console. In order to have a standard form to subscribe a user to a list and to a group by providing the email address only, with integrated check on Javascript, please see Settings > Subscription Form in the MailUp console.
  • You can also use the MailUp API to create subscription forms using Flash.
  • Once the form has been filled out, the messages page - freely customizable at Settings > Messages Page - will open. As an alternative, you can specify a different URL on your website that your customers will be redirected to in different cases (subscription completed, duplicate email address, and so on).
  • Note that the domain that hosts the messages page (and any other page hosted by MailUp) can be hidden using a third level domain (CNAME: e.g.
  • Once the form has been filled out, an option in the MailUp console allows to send an email to the user asking to confirm his subscription by clicking into a link. The content and the sender of this email can be customized at the page Settings > Confirmation request.
  • Users who confirm their subscription then receive a confirmation email, which can be personalized as well.
  • You can subscribe a user to more than a list at the same time, sending just one confirmation request.
