- From email: make sure that you are using a FROM email that has been authorized in your SMTP+ settings
- From name: you can use any name
- Mailer: select "Send all WordPress email via SMTP"
- Return Path: leave unchecked
- SMTP Host: enter the host provided to you when you created your SMTP+ user
- SMTP port: you can use a variety of ports. Since port 25 (the default one) is sometimes blocked by Web hosting providers, try a different port, such as 2525
- Encryption: set to No.
- AutheticatoinAuthetication: set to Yes and enter your SMTP+ user credentials
How to use /wiki/spaces/mailupUserGuide/pages/36503987.
Your custom application
See: Using SMTP relay from your application
- SMTP+ overview
- Set the properties for the messages sent using the SMTP+ feature
- Configuring SMTP+, server and users
- Set and customize the notifications sent by the SMTP+ feature to your users
- View the send status of SMTP+ messages
- Using SMTP relay from your application