This web service allows to map in MailUp - using groups and lists - the recipients contained in a third party application, and also allows the external system to access the sending details of MailUp mailings. So MailUp can handle the segmentation of recipients already existent in the third party system, as well as sendings to recipients subscribed to multiple lists.
WS_MailUpImport checks the following parameters in order to authenticate requests:
- WS username* (predefined for a specific MailUp console)
- WS password* (to be set in the MailUp console)
- Sender IP address (third party application)
*different from the credentials used to access the console
Authentication fails if:
- MailUp API is off;
- username and/or password are incorrect;
- the IP address of the third party application has changed since the last successful access. The IP address can be manually changed in the MailUp console.
WS_MailUpImport web service requires for every call an authentication via username and password; credentials must be passed in the header of the SOAP message.
Sample MailUpImport authentication
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Header> <Authentication xmlns="http://tempuri.org/"> <User>username</User> <Password>password</Password> </Authentication> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> ... </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> |
Error codes
ReturnCode possible values in case authentication fails are shown below:
-1000 unrecognized error
-1001 the account is not valid
-1002 the password is not valid
-1003 suspended account
-1004 inactive account
-1005 expired account
-1006 the web service is not enabled
-1007 the web service is not active
-1011 IP is not registered
-1012 IP is registered but has the "deny access" flag
All the methods requiring idList e listGuid at input, execute a check on the input values and return one of the following:
-100 unrecognized error
-101 verification failed
-102 list Guid format is not valid
MailUp customer: a company/business subscribing to the MailUp service
Console URL / NL_URL: MailUp defines a dedicated URL for each customer. For this reason, external systems must know the exact URL to which to send the request (e.g. http://mailing.firstcompany.com/Services/WSMailup.asmx)
WS_MailUpImport: a web Service designed to import recipients from a third party application
MailUp API Account: a specific account for web services, made of a username and a password. It is automatically created when a new MailUp account is created for a new customer, while for existing customers it is manually created via the MailUp console.
WS: web service
MailUp API status
Once the API account has been created, APIs must be activated in order to be able to receive requests (they are disabled by default for safety reasons): they can be activated manually using the MailUp console or automatically by calling a specific URL.
Disactivation is also manual through the MailUp console.
The IP address of the application using the web service is registered at activation stage.