It is now possible to enable a sub-reseller system inside your Agency Panel. To have it, post a request via email to
Only the Main Agency has a reseller contract with MailUp. All other agreements, e.g. between an agency and a sub-reseller, or between a sub-reseller and its own sub-resellers, will take place between these third parties.
How it works
Once sub-resellers are enabled for your account, you'll be able to promote a client's account (trial or full) to the status of sub-reseller. First, enter your Agency Panel and click on the View Accounts tab
Then click on the Actions box on the right of the account and select "Promote to sub-reseller"
Once you promote an account as sub-reseller, three things will happen:
- In the View Accounts, the Res. column will mark the sub-reseller with a green star
- If this is the first sub-reseller activated, a dropdown menu will show up, enabling the Agency to navigate through sub-resellers (more details below). If the dropdown is already active, the new sub-reseller will be added to the hierarchy.
- Your new sub-reseller will automatically have an Agency Panel of their own. To access it, they will need to visit and enter their MailUp credentials as username and password. Depending on the setup agreed with the Main Agency, sub-resellers may only see a portion of the tabs that are available in the Main Agency account.
Sub-resellers may choose to have their own sub-resellers, since they can also promote their client's accounts to sub-resellers from their agency panel. There is no limit on the number of sub-reseller levels, so that you can map your sales network precisely, keeping up with its changes and expansion.
Navigating the hierarchy
The Dropdown menu displays the hierarchy of resellers, enabling to get a full view of your sales network. Clicking on a sub-reseller name in the dropdown menu, you'll be able to see all the accounts for that sub-reseller (full or trial clients' account, plus eventual sub-resellers).
You can only navigate the hierarchy only below, not above your reselling level. This means that the main agency account, e.g. the one who has the reselling contract with MailUp, will be able to access the full hierarchy. Instead a sub-reseller may only see its sub-resellers and their parent sub-reseller network.