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The MailUp for Salesforce connector for MailUp is no longer available

Create a new campaign

Let's start our campaign by creating a new one from the top-left


drop-down Create new:

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Table of Contents

In this page you will be required to insert a few


pieces of information

  • Campaign name

  • Type: email

  • Active: yes

  • Status

  • Start and end dates




You should not insert any information in the MailUp section, these will be compiled by the tool itself with the statistics of the sent item. 


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Add members to your campaign

You will then


need to add members to your campaign by clicking on the Manage


Members button




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You will be able to select your campaign members


using Salesforce filters.





You can also add campaign members from other reports you might be running in Salesforce, at any time.


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After identifying the contacts you want to add to the campaign



  • Click on Add with status



  • Set it to Sent


  • You will see these contacts at the bottom of your campaign page in the section Campaign Members:


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Export campaign members


to MailUp

Buttons and actions

You can now


export your campaign members


to your MailUp account by clicking on


the MailUp button on the top of your page.

You will find here further buttons enabling you to perform the following actions:


Sincronizzare le statistiche

The data will be "pushed" to the List within your MailUp account that you have specified in the Configuration.

Here is a description of the buttons that you will find on this page, and what they do:




Creates a group in MailUp


Export members in MailUp


Export members to MailUp

Pushes the contacts to MailUp, assigning them to a Group named after the Salesforce campaign

The data included in any mapped fields is exported to MailUp.

Contacts are pushed in batches of 700 recipients, details are available in Recipients > Import > Import status

Import statistics in Salesforce


Accedere direttamente alla piattaforma


Go to MailUp


Creare nuovi messaggi partendo dai modelli di MailUp


Create message from template


Creare un messaggio partendo da un’email vuota


Create empty message


Vedere il messaggio completo e pronto da inviare ai destinatari


Refresh message preview


Vedere un report riassuntivo degli invii effettuati (appare solo dopo aver fatto un primo invio)


View report


After clicking on Export members in MailUp you can access your console (by clicking on Go to MailUp) and notice that you will have a new Group of recipients with the name of the campaign

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Create a new message from a template


Imports campaign statistics from MailUp to Salesforce

Create message from template

Creates a new message in MailUp using custom templates created with the WYSIWYG HTML editor.

This is needed to associate the message in MailUp with the Campaign in Salesforce. You will edit and send the messages from MailUp so that you can leverage all of its features.

A note will automatically be added to the message similar to the following "<MESSAGE ID> - Message generated from Salesforce campaign <CAMPAIGN ID> <DATE DD/MM/YYYY TIME>"

Create empty message

Creates a new, empty message in MailUp (i.e. a message not generated from a template).

This is needed to associate the ID of the message in MailUp with the Campaign in Salesforce. You will edit and send the messages from MailUp so that you can leverage all of its features.

Choose this option if you want to create the message from scratch using the WYSIWYG HTML editor in MailUp, or if you want to copy and paste your own HTML.

A note will automatically be added to the message similar to the following "<MESSAGE ID> - Message generated from Salesforce campaign <CAMPAIGN ID> <DATE DD/MM/YYYY TIME>"

Refresh message preview

Allows you to see the latest version of the message, retrieved from MailUp, without having to log into your MailUp account.

This is useful if - down the road - you want to see what email message was associated with this Campaign.

View report

Allows you to view campaign statistics directly in Salesforce, without having to log into your MailUp account. (These statistics are not the same as the statistics that get imported into Salesforce. These are higher level statistics and are static.)

For even more high-level campaign statistics, log into your MailUp account and visit the Statistics section in the navigation.

What happens after exporting to MailUp

Now log into your MailUp account.

  • Under Recipients > Groups you will find a new Group of recipients with the name of the campaign. Note: if a recipient already existed in MailUp prior to this campaign:

    • The recipient will be assigned to this new Group. The recipient remains assigned to any other group it had already been assigned to

    • The recipient's profile will be updated with the latest information coming from Salesforce. This applies to the data contained in the fields that have been mapped between Salesforce and MailUp in the configuration.

  • Under Messages > Email > Saved  you will find the message that you have associated with this Campaign after creating the empty message from Salesforce (see Create empty message or Create message from template in the table above)

Create a new message

Ready to create a new message? First, you must create a message in Salesforce which links to MailUp: in Salesforce on your campaign page, choose if you want to use a MailUp design (Create message from Template) or prefer an empty message


(Create Empty message.


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You will be able to find your message in your console in the /wiki/spaces/MUG/pages/36869867 with the name of the campaign and all the details of the campaign in the notes.



As mentioned above, this step is needed to associate the message that will be sent from MailUp with the Campaign that has been created in Salesforce.

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Now, to find the message in MailUp, log into your MailUp account and go to your saved emails:

  • The message is named after the Salesforce Campaign 

  • Campaign details are saved to the message Notes.

  • The message is not edited and/or sent from Salesforce, but rather must be sent directly from MailUp. This is because MailUp contains all the advanced features that you need to create, test, and execute a professional email marketing campaign.

Modify your message and see the changes in Salesforce

Whenever you change the message in your MailUp console you will be able to see


it in Salesforce by


clicking Refresh message preview, or simply by refreshing your browser.



ensures that you are always one click away from seeing exactly the content that has been sent (or will be sent) to your campaign members.


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Send your message from MailUp

If you are ready to go,


send the message from MailUp and select your previously created Group in







Remember to always change your message's subject. Keep your notes as they


are and you will be able to always reference your message back to your Salesforce campaign.


Sync your



After sending




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Synch your statistics


message, you should easily import your


statistics in Salesforce with the button Import statistics in Salesforce and you will be able to see the data in the campaign page in the MailUp section


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And in the campaign members details page:


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If a user unsubscribes in MailUp, the Email Opt-out field in your contact or lead page will be automatically checked.

Statistics can be updated on demand with the Import Statistics function or by scheduling the statistic synchronization (See Schedule Task).


Please note that the scheduled synchronization will only update statistics for active campaigns with Start Date within the number of days set in MailUp Configuration. If you want to update stats for an older campaign, you need to update them on demand with the Import Statistics feature.

Check your results

After sending your email, you will notice a new button View report in the MailUp section of your campaign


The pop-up may be empty because your browser is preventing a script from running. Just authorize the script to see the statistics.

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Leverage your data

The data


that you imported are visible in each campaign member field and can be used to run a report in Salesforce and


to create further campaigns.




Some example of campaigns:

  • Re-engage your user by running a report on those campaign members that did not open a specific message and try to engage them with different


  • content.

  • Send specific offers to those members that opened a previous campaign related to a product or service

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