Published — v. 8


DeleteList_st method allows to delete one or more lists in MailUp, with all the related data. For new integrations with MailUp it has to be preferred to similar method MailUpSend.DeleteList

Method parameters

  • string DeleteList_st(string accessKey, int listId, stringautoId)
    • accessKey: access key obtained using the LoginFromId method
    • listId: list identifier
    • autoId: identifier which allows MailUp to know if a list was created in an automated context or not. In the Microsoft Dynamics CRM it corresponds to the ORGUNIQUENAME.

Parameters autoId e listId can be used together or alternatively; the following scenarios are possible:

  • If listId value > 0, the corresponding list is deleted. Values provided via autoId are ignored.
  • If listId value =< 0 and autoId is defined, all the lists associated to the external identifier provided via autoId are deleted.

SOAP Examples


SOAP Request
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ws="">
         <!--Use accessKey value that is returned by LoginFromId method-->      



Response includes ID of deleted list. In case of error "errorCode" is not zero and an error description is provided.

When request specifies a list ID greater than zero only one list is deleted and the response is as follows:

DeleteList_st response (when request is based on list ID >0)
      <List Id="2"></List>

When request specifies a list ID equal or lower than zero then all the lists with specified "autoId" are deleted and the response is as follows:

DeleteList_st response (when request is based on autoId)
      <List Id="8"></List>
      <List Id="9"></List>
      <List Id="14"></List>
      <List Id="11"></List>