Published — v. 18


This method creates a MailUp list

Method parameters

  • string CreateList(string accessKey, string name, string defaultSettings, bool copyTemplate, Option[] options)
    • accessKey: access key obtained using the LoginFromId method
    • name: list name
    • defaultSettings: if set as "default" it uses the default settings for all the lists, if it is an ID it uses the default settings for the corresponding list
    • copyTemplate: if set as "true" it copies the default templates for the list
    • options: array of values for options setting
      • owneremail: sender email address
      • bouncedemail: address for error messages
      • description: list description
      • format: list format ("html", "text")
      • charset: text charset (see a list of /wiki/spaces/mailupapi/pages/36339743)
      • public: flag indicating if the list is visible in the frontend (if you set public=1 the created list will be available in http://consoleUrl/frontend/nl_catalog.aspx)
      • tracking: flag enabling the tracking of opens (1=enabled)
      • nl_sendername: email sender name (text string)
      • sms_sendername: sms sender name (text string)
      • optout_type: optout type (0: One-click unsubscribe, 1: , 2: )
      • sendemailoptout: flag indicating if an email is sent to unsubscribers
      • notifyemail: email address for unsubscribe notifications. Each time a recipient unsubscribes, an email will be sent to this address.
      • frontendform: flag that allows to view the subscription forms in the frontend
      • disclaimer: heading added to the messages in the list
      • headerxabuse: heading added to the messages in the list
      • kbmax: message size beyond which a warning is generated
      • replyto: email address for replies to the newsletter
      • displayas: name displayed in the "To:" field of the incoming newsletters (campo1,campo2, etc.)
      • headerlistunsubscriber: heading added to the messages in the list
      • multipart_text: flag to automatically generate a text version of the message at sending stage
      • conversionlab_trackcode: code for tracking via conversionlab
      • default_prefix: default international prefix for mobile numbers
      • multi_optout_list: detail of the lists which will be viewed by the user in case of multiple optout (e.g. 1,2,3 etc.)
      • subscribedemail: flag to send an email to new subscribers
      • sendconfirmsms: flag to send a text message to new subscribers
      • senderfaxname: fax sender name
      • senderfax: fax sender number
      • senderfirstname: regular mail sender name
      • senderlastname: regular mail sender surname
      • sendercompanyname: regular mail sender company
      • senderaddress: regular mail sender address
      • senderpostalcode: regular mail sender zipcode
      • sendercity: regular mail sender city
      • senderprovince: regular mail sender province
      • senderstate: regular mail sender state



  • Fax channel is currently available for the Italian market only.
  • If you create a list after authenticating with WS username (i.e. a+consoleID username) and you access to MailUp application console using a different user you will not see created list in the list dropdown menu; anyway, if you logged in with an administrator user you can go to "Settings > Console Settings > User Permission" and add created list to the lists that are accessible for that user
  • Parameters with type "flag" accept only 0 (zero, false) and 1 (one, true) as input values




  • CreateList fails if you have deleted all MailUp lists on your console by using DeleteList method, please keep at list one MailUp list


SOAP Examples

SOAP Request
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ws="">
      <ws:name>My new list</ws:name>
        <ws:Option><ws:Key>OwnerEmail</ws:Key> <ws:Value></ws:Value></ws:Option>
        <ws:Option><ws:Key>nl_sendername</ws:Key> <ws:Value>John Smith</ws:Value></ws:Option>
        <ws:Option><ws:Key>optout_type</ws:Key> <ws:Value>2</ws:Value></ws:Option>
        <ws:Option><ws:Key>multi_optout_list</ws:Key> <ws:Value>0,1,2,19</ws:Value></ws:Option>
        <ws:Option><ws:Key>public</ws:Key> <ws:Value>1</ws:Value></ws:Option>
        <ws:Option><ws:Key>tracking</ws:Key> <ws:Value>1</ws:Value></ws:Option>
        <ws:Option><ws:Key>charset</ws:Key> <ws:Value>ISO-8859-1</ws:Value></ws:Option>
SOAP Response
    <name>My new list</name>
<![CDATA[<div style="font-size: 11px;" align="center"><font color="#c0c0c0" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://[staticnl]/" name="showInBrowser">
</a><div style="font-size: 11px;" align="center"><a href="http://[staticnl]/" name="showInBrowser"></a><font color="#c0c0c0" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="http://[staticnl]/" name="showInBrowser"><font color="#c0c0c0">Se non legge correttamente questo messaggio, cliccare qui</font></a> </font></div></font></div><br>]]]>
<![CDATA[</header><footer><![CDATA[<div style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" align=center><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#c0c0c0><a href="http://[unsubscribe]/" target=_blank><strong><font color=#808080><br>Per cancellarsi cliccare qui | Unsubscribe</font></strong></a> </font></div><br><br>
<div style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" align=center><a href="" target=_blank><font color=#808080><img title=MailUp style="WIDTH: 53px; HEIGHT: 20px" height=20 alt=MailUp src="" width=53 align=absMiddle border=0></font></a><font color=#808080><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Email inviata con <a href="" target=_blank name=""><font color=#808080>MailUp</font></a></font></font><font color=#808080><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="" target=_blank><font color=#808080><br></font></a><a title="Chi usa MailUp per inviare, utilizza uno strumento che garantisce la cancellazione automatica e immediata" href="" target=_blank name=""><font color=#808080>Con MailUp la cancellazione e' sicura</font></a></font></font></div>]]]>
<![CDATA[</footercustom><footermailup><![CDATA[<div style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" align=center><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#c0c0c0><a href="http://[unsubscribe]/" target=_blank><strong><font color=#808080><br>Per cancellarsi cliccare qui | Unsubscribe</font></strong></a> </font></div><br><br>
<div style="FONT-SIZE: 11px" align=center><a href="" target=_blank><font color=#808080><img title=MailUp style="WIDTH: 53px; HEIGHT: 20px" height=20 alt=MailUp src="" width=53 align=absMiddle border=0></font></a><font color=#808080><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Email inviata con <a href="" target=_blank name=""><font color=#808080>MailUp</font></a></font></font><font color=#808080><font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><a href="" target=_blank><font color=#808080><br></font></a><a title="Chi usa MailUp per inviare, utilizza uno strumento che garantisce la cancellazione automatica e immediata" href="" target=_blank name=""><font color=#808080>Con MailUp la cancellazione e' sicura</font></a></font></font></div>]]]>
<![CDATA[</footermailup><nl_sendername>John Smith</nl_sendername><sms_sendername></sms_sendername><optout_type>2</optout_type><sendemailoptout>False</sendemailoptout><notifyemail></notifyemail><frontendform>True</frontendform><disclaimer><![CDATA[Privacy Protected with <a href="" target=_blank>Safely Subscribe System</a>]]]>
<![CDATA[</disclaimer><headerxabuse><![CDATA[Please report abuse here:]]]>
<![CDATA[</headerxabuse><headersender><![CDATA[Please report abuse here:]]]>


Code Examples

# Refer to for gem information.
require 'mailup'
m ='api-username', 'api-password')
m.create_list(:name            => "List Name",
              :defaultSettings => "default",
              :copyTemplate    => true,
              :options         => {
                "OwnerEmail"   => "",
                "BouncedEmail" => "",
# Returns XML response
# => "<InsertListResult><errorCode>0</errorCode><errorDescription></errorDescription><list> ... </list></InsertListResult>"

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