Published — v. 17


Ways to unsubscribe a recipient

There are many ways to unsubscribe a recipient in MailUp:

  • The recipient may unsubscribe directly using the unsubscribe link that you have provided in the email message itself
  • You may manually unsubscribe a recipient in the admin console by visiting the recipient profile page
  • You can bulk-unsubscribe recipients when importing recipients
  • You can unsubscribe recipients using a simple call to unsubscribe.aspx
  • You can use methods of the SOAP API
  • You can use methods of the REST API (search for the word unsubscribe on that page)
  • You can use Webhooks triggered by an unsubscribe event that happened somewhere else in MailUp (e.g. another List, or another MailUp account)
  • You can upload a CSV file via FTP and have MailUp automatically import and unsubscribe the recipients that it contains.
    • Open a support ticket to request that this option be activated for your account
    • A setup fee may apply

Unsubscribe code

The HTML code for an unsubscribe link in a message sent with MailUp is as follows:

<a href="http://[unsubscribe]/">Unsubscribe</a>
  • You can insert the link in a message easily by using the corresponding feature in our email editors
  • What happens after the recipient clicks on the unsubscribe link is based on the List settings for that list.