Published — v. 6
Export of email subscribers

Export of email subscribers

FTP-based data synchronizations are not available by default (additional charges will apply), contact your account manager to receive a quotation.

In order to have a data synchronization set up, you need to have an active MailUp account (not a free trial).

In case you need any further information or custom integrations, please do not hesitate to contact your sales representative.

This export type displays the subscribed recipients in a certain time frame and belonging to one or more Mailup lists.

The eventual layout is partly configurable.

What data is to be included in the report

The CSV report reports the following data related to the subscribed recipients.

You can set the instance to generate reports that contains one or more of the following data except for the subscribed email address, which is a required value that will always be present in the first column of the report


Header Display Name





subscribed email address

MobileComplete Phone NumberThe phone number related to the subscribed email address0039123456789

MailUp list id


Unique identifier of the MailUp list to which the email address has subscribed


Subscription Date


Date and time when the email address completed the subscription to the  MailUp list


MailUp Group idgroups

Any unique identifier of the MailUp Groups to which the recipient is added to, at the time of the export.

In case of multiple values, expect a string value separated by comma

Recipient fields 
Data saved in the recipients personal data fields. You can select those of your interest to the report


It is required to export MailUp list id and Subscription date for each subscribed recipient

Report CSV

It is required to export MailUp list idSubscription date and Mobile for each subscribed recipient

Report CSV
email;Complete Phone Number;List Id;Subscription Date;0039123456789;1;20221220T124013

It is required to export MailUp list idSubscription dateMailUp Group id and one recipient field for each subscribed recipient.
In this example in your business logic you have configured MailUp to use the field 28 to save the customer code defined by your CRM, and you need this data in the report generated by this Instance of the Datasync (S)FTP Export.

Report CSV

Environments and export timeframe

You can define which MailUp lists you want to extract data from and the extraction period.

Extraction period is the timeframe which the report refers to.
Usually you can configure an Instance to generate report containing:

  • all new subscribers who registered in the last 24 hours for the MailUp lists you have indicated
  • all new subscribers who registered from the last export executed for the MailUp lists you have indicated
  • all subscribers in MailUp from one or multiple MailUp lists

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