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This page contains many collapsed sections that contain details about recommended methods in SOAP, REST, HTTP GET/POST API. Use the "Click to expand" links to reach hidden parts.


On this page:

Table of Contents



Manage single recipients (subscribe, unsubscribe, update)

MailUp provides several ways to add a new subscriber and manage either data fields or subscription status. When developing generic modules that should adapt to different console accounts with different fields mapping, it is useful that you take advantage of a "retrieve fields" feature, which gets from MailUp field ID and field name and allows mapping between fields in the MailUp account and those in the integrated applicationIf you’re in the process of developing a generic application interacting with multiple accounts, it must be considered that personal data fields may differ from account to account.

We recommend always making use of the “retrieve field names” feature, returning the actual field names and Id occurrences for a particular admin console account. Those returned occurrences can be used to update personal data recipient fields afterward.

Although the MailUp REST API is the most complete solution for managing a single subscriber, please keep in mind that it is subject to rate limiting, so some calls could be blocked if you are exceeding the allowed number of calls/s. For this reason, if your source is a web form with high subscription traffic you would be better off considering the HTTP GET/POST for new subscriptions.

titleClick here to expand and see available solutions and recommended methods
HTTP GET/POST and subscription forms

Subscription forms are based on HTTP GET/POST methods, which allow subscription unsubscription, check subscription status and update for a single recipient. These methods support optin, confirmed optin, optout, fields update, unsubscription. Refer to this page if you want to build a custom subscription form using AJAX. Retrieve The retrieve fields feature is not available with HTTP GET/POST.

titleClick here to expand for recommended methods



Get/Post API

Confirm successful communication with the APIThis
refers to confirming that the API credentials entered by the user are correct. The method used should return useful errors so that the user is informed of what might be going wrong
method may be useful if your application needs to ping mailup to check current authentication and connection statuses.WSActivation.aspx


You can enable HTTP GET/POST calls for any caller, you can restrict usage to a set of IPs or you can call a method that registers the caller IP

in order

to add it to the list of authorized IPs.


Single Subscribe (client-side)


Subscribes a single recipient to one or more lists (e.g. during checkout or registration) by calling a page that redirects to a landing page displaying the result


Single Subscribe (server side1)
Subscribes a single recipient to one or more lists (e.g. during checkout or registration) and
returns a result to the callerXmlsubscribe.aspx

Single Unsubscribe (server side1)


Unsubscribes a single recipient from one or more lists (e.g. customer updates their account in the storefront) and returning a result


Single Update (server side1)


Updates a single recipient based on mapped data fields (e.g. first name, last name, etc) and


return a result


Retrieve subscription status for a specific customer and list (server side1)

This refers to determining whether a certain recipient is subscribed to a given list or not, so that the correct subscription preference can be shown in your application (or to update locally stored subscription preferences).

Retrieves recipient’s status ( subscribed, pending, or unsubscribed )


(1) requires server-side development, and in the case of AJAX implementations, this operation cannot be done directly from a client page because cross-domain requests are blocked by the "same-origin policy"


Rest API is the most complete solution for managing a single subscriber ( handles subscription status, group membership, and personal data fields) and . In addition, it is the only MailUp solution that allows the removal of a single recipient from a group. Adding a new recipient is an asynchronous process (i.e. the method's response does not mean that the operation is completed, you could use a specific method to get the status of the requested operation). Retreive Retrieve fields feature is available with GET /Console/Recipient/DynamicFields 

titleClick here to expand for recommended methods




Confirm successful communication with the API

This refers to confirming that the API credentials entered by the user are correct. The method used should return useful errors so that the user is informed of what might be going wrong.GET
Returns authentication information.

GET /Console/Authentication/Info

Retrieve Lists

This refers to storing the information needed to then enable/disable Lists to be shown to users of the application so that they may subscribe/unsubscribe to/from different Lists

Retrieves all lists related information

GET /Console/User/Lists

Retrieve Groups
This refers to storing the information needed to pass a Group ID when sending data back to MailUp (e.g. to assign subscribers to a certain group)

Retrieves groups for a certain list

GET /Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Groups

Retrieve Fields

This refers to storing field ID and field name to allow for mapping between fields in the MailUp account and those in the integrated application

Retrieves the actual personal data field names along with ids. Useful for adding or updating subscribers’ personal information afterward.

GET /Console/Recipient/DynamicFields

Single Subscribe


Subscribes a single recipient to one

or more lists

list (e.g. during checkout or registration). A confirmed optin process can be implemented using the ConfirmEmail parameter







Recipient (without COI)

POST Console/List/{ListID}/Recipient?ConfirmEmail=true (with COI)

Single Unsubscribe


Unsubscribes a single recipient from one or more lists (e.g. customer updates their account in the storefront)

DELETE /Console/List/{id_List}/Subscribe/{id_Recipient}

Single Update


Updates a single recipient based on mapped data fields (e.g. first name, last name, etc)

PUT /Console/Recipient/Detail

Retrieve subscription status for a specific customer and list

This refers to determining whether a certain recipient is subscribed to a given list or not, so that the correct subscription preference can be shown in your application (or to update locally stored subscription preferences).

Returns all subscribed recipients to a certain list

GET /Console/List/{id_List}/Recipients/Subscribed?filterby="Email.Contains('{Email}')"


You can configure webhooks to enable a fast callback to your website when every time a recipient changes the subscription status or any of the personal data fields (e.g. by accessing filling in and submitting to an autoprofile auto profile form). Callback The callback method can be configured in order to include the recipient's details as the method parameter. Webhooks are managed by a worker process that is like a "frequent cron": you may experience some minutes of delay between the action and the corresponding callback. Bounces cannot be notified through webhooks.


You can extend StartImportProcess method of MailUpImport SOAP API, that is designed for bulk import, to work with a single recipient. This method supports optin, confirmed optin, forced optin, optout, fields update, unsubscription. Adding or updating a recipient with SOAP API is an asynchronous process (i.e. method response does not mean that the operation is completed, you could use a specific method to get the status of requested operation). Method MailUpSend.GetFields can be used to retreive field names.

titleClick here to expand for recommended methods



SOAP Web Services

Confirm successful communication with the API

This refers to confirming that the API credentials entered by the user are correct. The method used should return useful errors so that the user is informed of what might be going wrong.


Retrieve Lists

This refers to storing the information needed to then enable/disable Lists to be shown to users of the application so that they may subscribe/unsubscribe to/from different Lists


Retrieve GroupsThis refers to storing the information needed to pass a Group ID when sending data back to MailUp (e.g. to assign subscribers to a certain group)

MailUpImport.GetNlLists or


Retrieve Fields

This refers to storing field ID and field name to allow for mapping between fields in the MailUp account and those in the integrated application.


Single Subscribe

Subscribing a single recipient to one or more lists (e.g. during checkout or registration)


Single Unsubscribe

Unsubscribing a single recipient from one or more lists (e.g. customer updates their account in the storefront)


Single Update

Updating a single recipient based on mapped data fields (e.g. first name, last name, etc)


Retrieve subscription status for a specific recipient/list

This refers to determining whether a certain recipient is subscribed to a given list or not, so that the correct subscription preference can be shown in your application (or to update locally stored subscription preferences).


Synchronize recipients between your application and MailUp (i.e. bulk import and/or export)

You may need to transfer a set of recipients, eventually with their personal data, from your application to MailUp; or viceversa. Solutions that work well with a single recipient may not be suitable for big numbers of recipients, in this case bulk solutions are needed.

When defining your synchronization strategy you must take care about how unsubscription is made. In particular, you should be aware that, when importing subscribers that are already present and unsubscribed in specified MailUp list, unsubscription status is not changed, except for the cases in which you deliberately set an API option that forces subscription.

  • If unsubscription is managed by MailUp with the "Unsubscribe" link in email footer (that's the default case), forcing subscription should be consider only when an unsubscribed recipient asks to be subscribed again
  • If unsubscription is managed by an external system (i.e the "Unsubscribe" link in email footer leads to an external site) then the external application is the "master" and you should consider to force subscription whenever you import recipients.

Several possible solutions are available

titleClick here to expand and see available solutions and recommended methods
FTP based integrations

You can use FTP Batch Processes for massive data transfer using files in CSV format. This feature can be used with very high numbers of recipients (import has been successfully tested with 4 millions of recipients in a single file) and it is configured on request by MailUp support team.

titleClick here to know more about available FTP transfer types

You can request this feature to

Data transfer is not in real time: it is usually configured as daily or weekly, but for specific cases even hourly data transfer can be done)

FTP based integrations can also be customized to import external campaign codes without using personal data fields and to export email statistics with their reference to the external campaign code. This feature is not available with MailUp web services. More on this.


You can use MailUpImport SOAP API for an immediate import of recipients. In particular, you can use StartImportProcesses method, eventually combined with NewImportProcess if the number of recipient is higher than 5000. These methods also allow a batch import as "pending", with the confirmation email that has to be manually sent using the admin console account. SOAP API is not bidirectional, so you cannot use it to export recipients from MailUp to your application.

titleClick here to expand for recommended methods



SOAP Web Services

Confirm successful communication with the API

This refers to confirming that the API credentials entered by the user are correct. The method used should return useful errors so that the user is informed of what might be going wrong.


Retrieve Lists

This refers to storing the information needed to then enable/disable Lists to be shown to users of the application so that they may subscribe/unsubscribe to/from different Lists


Retrieve GroupsThis refers to storing the information needed to pass a Group ID when sending data back to MailUp (e.g. to assign subscribers to a certain group)

MailUpImport.GetNlLists or


Retrieve Fields

This refers to storing field ID and field name to allow for mapping between fields in the MailUp account and those in the integrated application.


Bulk Subscribe

Subscribing a set of recipients to a list


Bulk Unsubscribe

Unsubscribing a set of recipients from a list


Bulk Update

Updating personal data fields of a set of recipients


Retrieve list of subscribers

Retrieving recipients that are subscribed to a list



You can get the best of FTP and SOAP API by using SendMessageNL API method, which performs scheduled sending of a message to a set of recipients that are listed on a file (message ID and filename are passed as method parameter). In this case you have to transfer the file to MailUp before calling the method. Export of recipients can be done with an FTP based integration.


Rest API allows immediate and bidirectional import and export of recipients. Due to restriction on HTTP channel, no more than 7MB can be uploaded with a single import. For the export of recipients the paging feature is recommended to keep control on maximum size of tranferred data. REST API is the only MailUp solution that allows removal of a single recipient from a group.

titleClick here to expand for recommended methods



SOAP Web Services

Confirm successful communication with the API

This refers to confirming that the API credentials entered by the user are correct. The method used should return useful errors so that the user is informed of what might be going wrong.

GET /Console/Authentication/Info

Retrieve Lists

This refers to storing the information needed to then enable/disable Lists to be shown to users of the application so that they may subscribe/unsubscribe to/from different Lists

GET /Console/User/Lists

Retrieve GroupsThis refers to storing the information needed to pass a Group ID when sending data back to MailUp (e.g. to assign subscribers to a certain group)

GET /Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Groups

Retrieve Fields

This refers to storing field ID and field name to allow for mapping between fields in the MailUp account and those in the integrated application.

GET /Console/Recipient/DynamicFields

Bulk Subscribe

Subscribing a set of recipients to a list

 POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Recipients or POST /Console/Group/{ID_GROUP}/Recipients

Bulk Unsubscribe

Unsubscribing a set of recipients from a list


Bulk Update

Updating personal data fields of a set of recipients

POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Recipients or POST /Console/Group/{ID_GROUP}/Recipients

Retrieve list of subscribers

Retrieving recipients that are subscribed to a list

GET /Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Recipients/Subscribed

Manage suppression lists (i.e. "do not email" lists of recipients)

Suppression lists are not natively supported by MailUp but you can create a group of recipients and exclude this group from sending. In order to automate the process, you can contact MailUp support department and ask for the configuration of an FTP based integration with a batch process that is configured to run hourly. This process has to be set to import in a new group (group name = file name) the recipents that are listed in the file to be imported. Then, when you access to MailUp admin console, you can schedule your campaign to be sent to "all subscribers except for the recipients that belong to a certain group". It should be easy for you to identify the right group because it has the name of the imported file plus a timestamp.


 Send transactional and other personalized emails

 Sending messages through MailUp from an external application allows you to take advantage of:

  • The high reputation and scalability of the MailUp sending infrastructure
  • Automatic bounce and feedback loop management
  • Ability to include dynamic tags and dynamic content
  • Ability to check the send status via API


The use of dynamic fields (or dynamic tags) allows you to send individual email messages containing some personalized content. These messages - often transactional emails - typically consist of a template plus some personalized fields: for example, a password reminder, a form submission confirmation, an order confirmation, and so on. MailUp can manage the whole process automatically:
  • Messages are sent very quickly, thanks to a robust and scalable infrastructure that guarantees immediate sending (except in case of grey listing on destination servers). 
  • There are no bandwidth restrictions and a dedicated channel is used for sending these messages (no queue-related delay). 
  • Automatic processes can be activated following actions that users might have performed.
  • NOTE: this channel cannot be used to send bulk email messages, but rather only for transactional emails. There are limitations in place that prevent system abuse (see API use policy).
titleClick here to expand and learn how you can send transactional messages using MailUp

MailUp can send transactional emails in three ways. Depending on the speed and on the amount of messages to be sent, you can choose between them or, even better, you can mix them to get the best result.

By using the method used to send confirmation messages

MailUp sends a confirmation message to subscribers through an automatic procedure. Subscription can take place in two ways:

The content of the subscription confirmation message can be edited, so to make it correspond to the template of the message you want to send (there is only one confirmation message for each list, but you can set up multiple lists within your MailUp account).

The confirmation message can be personalized with the recipient's personal data by using dynamic fields (up to 40 available when purchasing the Marketing+ package).

These emails can also contain a link triggering an action (opening of a messages page and automatic sending of another email), through the use of SUB link. A specific list can be created for the purpose, and each list can have a different sender address. 

By using Web services

A web service allows the immediate sending of a single message. This procedure is much more flexible, but it is paramount to follow the instructions provided in the section describing this function.

The WS_MailUpSend.SendSingleNewsletter allows to send an email message with the indication of subject, recipients and contents. Dynamic fields (i.e. placeholders that are replaced with recipient's personal data values before sending) are supported, while dynamic content is not supported.

This is the best choice for transactional messages that have to be delivered in few seconds (e.g. password reminder, account credentials after signup), but this solution has some limitations (see API use policy and the box below). In many cases you can have a good trade-off by using either web services and SMTP relay service.

When using SendSingleNewsletter(), the best practice is to use predefined messages with dynamic sections, and not to create a brand new newsletter for each call. In this case MailUp would keep on using space to store the new content, which can negatively affect performance for your MailUp account. If you are in need to send hundreds (or more) of fully personalized transactional messages and you cannot use a predefined message, please contact us
By using SMTP relay service

With SMTP+ feature, your application can take advantage of a high deliverability SMTP server provided by MailUp. No need of integration with MailUp API, all you need is a set of SMTP credentials. SMTP+ offers a scalable solution that is valid also for high volumes of transactional email messages to be sent. There is a couple of things to know: delivery time depends on the bandwidth agreed for that console account and dynamic fields are not supported. This is the best choice for big amounts of personalized messages that do not have to be delivered in few seconds.


Bulk email messages

This section describes the different ways through which MailUp can be used to send email messages to groups and lists of users without accessing the administration console. The methods described above can be used to send individual, personalized messages, such as transactional emails. However, if the goal is to send large amounts of messages or DEMs, the best practice to follow is described below.

Some possible scenarios are presented here - with the indication of the web services to be used - as examples of common scenarios. This is in no way an exhaustive overview of all the possible scenarios. 

Please note that these cases do not talk about authentication and authorization, you should refer to the specific documentation of each technical solutions for these details.


titleCase 1: email message and recipients exist in the MailUp admin console (click here to expand)

You may want to send a message to a group of users and both the message and the recipients list are already available in the MailUp console.

  1. If the message has to be sent to all the recipients in a list the suggested method is WS_MailUpSend.SendNewsletterParameters "send_to = ALL" , list ID, message ID and time and date of sending must be specified. Message and list IDs can be found at the page Settings > Codes Tables  in the MailUp console, or using GetLists() and GetNewsletters() methods.
  2. If the recipients are just some groups in a list, when calling the SendNewsletter() method the group IDs must be specified as well.
  3. If the users share data that can be extracted using one of the MailUp filters (personal data, activity and geolocation filters, available in the Marketing+ package) when calling the SendNewsletter() method the filter to be applied must be indicated as well. Filters can be used in addition or as an alternative to groups. The great advantage of using them lies in the fact that all the users matching a certain condition are automatically included in the filter results, whereas a user must be inserted into a group for group membership.



It is imperative that you do not use SendSingleNewsletter() in place of SendNewsletter(): the first one has to be used only for transactional emails, as described above. Use of SendSingleNewsletter() for the purpose of sending bulk email messages will trigger a send block on your account and may lead to account termination.

  1. If the message has to be sent to all the recipients in a list you can call POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/Send.
  2. If the message has to be sent to a group of a MailUp list you can call POST /Console/Group/{id_Group}/Email/{id_Message}/Send



Message, group and list IDs can be found at the page Settings > Codes or they can be retrieved using API. Optionally, you can specify also sender name or sender email if you want to use for that message a sender that is different from the default sender of tha MailUp list. At the moment only immediate sending is available with REST API (i.e. you cannot schedule sending). More details are available in the documentation of MailUp REST API


titleCase 2: not all recipients exist in the MailUp admin console (click here to expand)

Similar to Case 1, but in this case a group of recipients has to be imported as well. Some of these recipients might be already subscribed in MailUp due to a previous signup to a newsletter, some others might be new subscribers. Here below some alternative solutions are listed, refer to Comparison Matrix to see how many recipients can be loaded with each solution.




SendMessageNL is often the best option for a fast bulk import and sending but users should be aware of some known limitations


REST API supports only sending to a single group or to the whole list



List+ allows you to enclose a list of recipients to the message to be sent (by using a file named one2many.import) instead of sending to lists or groups that are already present in MailUp. Click here for more information about this feature


titleCase 3: creating and sending a message via the MailUp API (click here to expand)

In some cases it may be necessary to import into MailUp a message created using an external system.


The CreateNewsletters() method allows the creation of a new message where the parameter to be passed is the body of the message (html, text or URL that points to the html file).
It is also possible to use the SendNewsletterFast() method, which conveys to a single call the information that can be drawn from the calls to CreateNewsletters() and SendNewsletter() methods.



REST API provides more features than SOAP API about creation and editing of an email message. With REST you can fully handle message tags, images and attachments.

  1. To create a message use POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Email, passing message content as parameter. Check out this page to know more about the available options
  2. Use the methods listed in Case #1 for sending email message with REST API

With List+ you can create an email message with your email client or your application and send it to a MailUp specific email address. Depending on the specified address, this action can lead to

  • save email message on MailUp and send it to all the recipients of a MailUp list
  • save email message on MailUp and send it to all the recipients of one or more groups in a MailUp list
  • save email message on MailUp without sending it
  • save email message on MailUp and send it to a recipient for test purposes

This solution is very powerful if you want to work outside the MailUp console account and it has some interesting additional features like automatic upload of images, support for dynamic fields and sender verification. In addition, List+ allows you to enclose a list of recipients (by using a file named one2many.import) instead of sending to lists or groups that are already present in MailUp.


With SMTP+ you can create email messages with your email client or your application and send them to the recipients through MailUp. In this case MailUp acts mainly as a high deliverability SMTP server, but it also provides important features like bounce management and statistics. The content of sent message is not saved on MailUp and delivery speed depends on agreed bandwidth for your account.

titleCase 4: cloning a message to track separate mailings (click here to expand)

Most customers need to track campaign results. When the same message is sent more than once (three different times, to three different groups), statistics are accumulated and pertain to all mailings, not the three individual mailings. To get around this issue, you can make a copy of a message by cloning it: once the copy has been created, the sending can be performed as described above as this is treated as a completely new mailing for a completely separate message (even if the actual message being sent is identical to another one). 


You can use using the CloneMessage() method


You can use GET /Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message} to get message content and then you can create an identical message with POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Email

titleCase 5: massive sending of personalized messages via Web Services (click here to expand)

If you are in need to send a high number of personalized messages through the API, please contact us. We can create custom MailUp configurations for you that will address your needs. For example, we worked with a Web site that needed to send hundreds of thousands of personalized alerts on a daily basis, and needed to do so through the MailUp API. 


You can create personalized sections within your email by means of Dynamic Content feature and MailUp filters. Dynamic Content is not available with email messages sent with HTTP GET/POST API, SendSingleNewsletter (SOAP API) and SMTP+


With SMTP+ you can create email messages with a fully personalized content that is specific for each recipient. Using your email client or your application you can send these messages to the recipients through MailUp. In this case MailUp acts mainly as a high deliverability SMTP server, but it also provides important features like bounce management and statistics. The content of sent message is not saved on MailUp and delivery speed depends on agreed bandwidth for your account.


Synchronize recipients between your application and MailUp (i.e. bulk import and/or export)

You may need to transfer a set of recipients, possibly with their data, from your application to MailUp; or vice-versa. Solutions that work well with a single recipient may not be suitable for big amounts of recipients, in this case, bulk solutions are required.

When planning a synchronization approach you must take care about how unsubscription is made. In particular, you should be aware that, when importing subscribers that are already present and unsubscribed in a specified MailUp list, unsubscription status is not changed, except for the cases in which you deliberately set an API option that forces subscription.

  • If unsubscription is natively managed by MailUp via the "Unsubscribe" link normally nested in the email footer, forcing subscription should be considered only when an unsubscribed recipient specifically asks to be subscribed again
  • If unsubscription is managed by an external system outside MailUp (i.e the "Unsubscribe" link in the email footer leads to an external site) then the external application runs as a "master" database and you should consider forcing subscription whenever you import recipients.

Several possible solutions are available.

titleClick here to expand and see available solutions and recommended methods
FTP based integrations

You can request your MailUp representative for an FTP Batch Process for massive data transfer using files CSV files. This feature can be used for very large amounts of recipients (this kind of process has been successfully tested with 4 million recipients in a single file).

titleClick here to know more about available FTP transfer types

You can request this feature to

Data transmission does not take place in real-time: it is usually configured on a daily or weekly basis, but for specific cases, even an hourly schedule can be considered )

FTP-based integrations can also be customized to import external campaign codes ( meant as customer’s application internal campaign or recipient identities )   without using personal data fields and to export email statistics with their reference to the external campaign code. This feature is not available with MailUp web services. More on this.


Rest API allows immediate and bidirectional import and export of recipients. Due to restrictions on the HTTP channel, you cannot pass more than 7MB as a payload of a single call. To overcome this limit, you may either split your list into multiple calls or provide a large file to be uploaded using FTP (the latter is the recommended option in case of a very large data set). The REST API is the only MailUp solution that allows the removal of a single recipient from a group.

titleClick here to expand for recommended methods



REST Web Services

Confirm successful communication with the API

Returns authentication information.

GET /Console/Authentication/Info

Retrieve Lists

Retrieves all lists related information

GET /Console/User/Lists

Retrieve GroupsRetrieves groups for a certain list

GET /Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Groups

Retrieve Fields

Retrieves the actual personal data field names along with ids. Useful for adding or updating subscribers’ personal information afterward.

GET /Console/Recipient/DynamicFields

Bulk Subscribe

Subscribes a set of recipients to a list

POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Recipients or
POST /Console/Group/{ID_GROUP}/Recipients

Bulk Unsubscribe

Unsubscribes a set of recipients from a list

POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Recipients?importType='asOptout'

Bulk Update

Updates personal data fields of a set of recipients

POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Recipients or
POST /Console/Group/{ID_GROUP}/Recipients

Retrieve the list of subscribers

Retrieves recipients that subscribed to a certain list

GET /Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Recipients/Subscribed

Use confirmed opt-in (COI)

Management of new subscribers (single or bulk) is specified in the section above. In some cases, you may need to verify if the email addresses and allow subscription only to existing email addresses that belong to subscribers that want to receive messages from the MailUp list they subscribed to. This case is also called double optin and subscribers have to click on a specific link that is contained in an email message that is sent to them after their signup.

Double opt-in is useful when your application does not check if the email addresses are valid.

titleClick here to expand and see how you can implement COI
HTTP GET/POST and subscription forms

Two HTTP GET/POST methods, (subscribe.aspx and xmlsubscribe.aspx) use confirmed optin by default, they can be used for single recipients. After signup, the subscriber receives the default confirmation request message that is configured for the specified MailUp list. Please refer to the documentation of HTTP GET/POST for more details.


At the moment Rest API supports the COI process using a query string parameter called "ConfirmEmail" that applies to POST calls to Console/List/{ListID}/Recipient and Console/Group/{GroupID}/Recipient endpoints. When this parameter is set as true, the actual behavior can be different if a specified recipient already exists:

  • new recipient -> added as pending, confirmation request email is sent

  • already subscribed -> no change

  • already pending -> remains pending, confirmation request email is sent

  • already unsubscribed -> moved to pending status, confirmation request email is sent

Manage suppression lists (i.e. "do not email" lists of recipients)

Suppression lists are not natively supported by MailUp but you can create a dedicated group of recipients to exclude from sending. To automate the process, you can contact the MailUp support department and request for the configuration of an FTP-based integration with a batch process running hourly. This process has to be set to import in a new group ( where the destination group name matches the actual import file name) the recipients that are listed in the file to be imported. Then, when you access to MailUp admin console, you can schedule or fire your campaign to be sent to "all subscribers except for the recipients that belong to a certain group". It should be easy for you to identify the right group because it has the name of the imported file plus a timestamp.


Send transactional and other personalized emails

SMTP or API: it's your choice

Sending messages through MailUp from an external application allows you to take advantage of:

  • The high reputation and scalability of the MailUp sending infrastructure
  • Automatic bounce and feedback loop management
  • Ability to include dynamic tags and dynamic content
  • Ability to check the send status via API

You can send transactional emails:

Message personalization

You can personalize messages using either data that already exists in the MailUp recipient database (and merge tags that will retrieve that data) or bypassing value pairs to the system. This is supported using both the SMTP relay and the API.

Bulk email messages

This section describes the different ways through which MailUp can be used to send email messages to groups and lists of users without accessing the administration console. The methods described above can be used to send individual, personalized messages, such as transactional emails. However, if the goal is to send large amounts of messages or DEMs, the best practice to follow is described below.

Some possible scenarios are presented here - with the indication of the web services to be used - as examples of common scenarios. This is in no way an exhaustive overview of all the possible scenarios. 

Please note that these cases do not talk about authentication and authorization, you should refer to the specific documentation of each technical solution for these details.

titleCase 1: email message and recipients exist in the MailUp admin console (click here to expand)

You may want to send a message to a group of users and both the message and the recipient's list are already available in the MailUp console.

  1. If the message has to be sent to all the recipients in a list you can call POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message}/Send.
  2. If the message has to be sent to a group of a MailUp list you can call POST /Console/Group/{id_Group}/Email/{id_Message}/Send

 The message, group, and list IDs can be found at the page Settings > Codes or they can be retrieved using API.

titleCase 2: not all recipients exist in the MailUp admin console (click here to expand)

Similar to Case 1, but in this case, a group of recipients has to be imported as well. Some of these recipients might be already subscribed to MailUp due to the previous signup to a newsletter, some others might be new subscribers. Here below some alternative solutions are listed, refer to Comparison Matrix to see how many recipients can be loaded with each solution.


REST API supports only sending to a single group or the whole list

  1. To import recipients into a group of a MailUp list you may use POST/Console/Group/{ID_GROUP}/Recipients, while POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Recipients can be used to simply import into a MailUp list without specifying a group. Use  POST  /Console/List/{ID_LIST}/Group if you also need to create a new group. 
    1. the list of recipients can be provided in the request body or by specifying the name of a file you have previously uploaded via FTP. Refer to this page for more details
  2. Use the methods listed in Case #1 for sending an email message with REST API

You can use FTP-ZIP to upload a zip archive containing the list of recipients, the message content, and a file descriptor with the mailing instructions. After the upload, MailUp does all the rest, preparing and scheduling the mailing process. Since the whole process is fully asynchronous, you can add an email address in the file descriptor to be notified when the process is completed


List+ allows you to enclose a list of recipients to the message to be sent (by using a file named one2many.import) instead of sending to lists or groups that are already present in MailUp. Click here for more information about this feature

titleCase 3: creating and sending a message via the MailUp API (click here to expand)

In some cases, it may be necessary to import into MailUp a message created using an external system.


With the REST API, you can fully handle message tags, images, and attachments.

  1. To create a message using POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Email, passing message content as a parameter. Check out this page to know more about the available options
  2. Use the methods listed in Case #1 for sending an email message with REST API

With List+ you can create an email message with your email client or your application and send it to a MailUp specific email address. Depending on the specified address, this action can lead to

  • save email message to MailUp and send it to all the recipients of a MailUp list
  • save email message to MailUp and send it to all the recipients of one or more groups in a MailUp list
  • save email message to MailUp without sending it
  • save email message to MailUp and send it to a recipient for test purposes

This solution is very powerful if you want to work outside the MailUp console account and it has some interesting additional features like the automatic upload of images, support for dynamic fields, and sender verification. In addition, List+ allows you to enclose a list of recipients (by using a file named one2many.import) instead of sending it to existing lists or groups.

titleCase 4: cloning a message to track separate mailings (click here to expand)

Most customers need to track campaign results. When the same message is sent more than once (e.g. three different times, to three different groups), the results are linked to the message ID, not to the individual mailings. If you need to have distinct results for each mailing, you can make a copy of the message before sending it again. 


You can use GET /Console/List/{id_List}/Email/{id_Message} to get message content and then you need to create an identical message with POST /Console/List/{id_List}/Email

titleCase 5: massive sending of personalized messages via Web Services (click here to expand)

If you are in need to send a high number of personalized messages through the API, please refer to the section of "Transactional emails" or contact us.

REST API and List+

You can create personalized sections within your email using the Dynamic Content feature and MailUp filters. Dynamic Content is not available with email messages sent with HTTP GET/POST API and SMTP+

Send Transactional or Bulk SMS

As for the email channel, the term "transactional SMS" is usually used to distinguish messages that do not belong to "Promotional" or "Bulk" categories.


The MailUp SMS features have been widely used for sending messages to Italy and many European countries. Please contact us to know more about sending in your countryPlease check this page for regulations and limitations when sending SMS globally.

titleClick here to expand and see available methods

SOAP API offers a good The REST APIs offer reliable and scalable solution solutions for transactional SMS with SendDirectSMS, while other solutions are available for and Bulk SMS, including . In addition, bulk sending can also be performed with the "SMS sending from CSV file" feature that is provided for bulk sending , which uses FTP data transfer to allow massive sending of highly personalized text messages using FTP. REST API does not support SMS yet.

The following table includes the recommended API methods to be used to perform certain tasks.

1Create a new text messageCreate a new text message with dynamic fields (optional) that can then be used as an "existing message"
from the actions listed below
(MESSAGE_ID is returned).
A new message is also available on the MailUp console.

2Single sending of EXISTING messages
to a specified recipient 
A single existing text message is sent to a single recipient by specifying MESSAGE_ID and destination number.
A message shall be previously created and it can be customized
by means of
using dynamic fields
SendSingleSMS3Single sending of NEW messages
to a specified recipient In this case existing messages cannot be used, a brand new text message (with or without dynamic fields) has to be created
and sent to a single recipientSendDirectSMS 

3TRANSACTIONAL single sending
to a specified recipient 
High personalization of messages, suitable for high volumes, effective data aggregation, no need to save content on MailUp consoleTransactional SMS using APIs
4Bulk sending of EXISTING messages
to all subscribers or groups of them

A single existing text message is sent to many recipients (e.g. all list subscribers, one or more groups ...). by specifying
MESSAGE_ID and List/group identifiers


A message shall be previously created and it can be customized

by means of

using dynamic fields


5Bulk sending of NEW messages
to all subscribers or groups of them

A new text message (with or without dynamic fields) has to be created and sent to a list of subscribers.


Each action of this type creates a new message on the MailUp admin console.
The greater is the number of


messages and the higher is the load on the MailUp admin console, leading to


lowering access time to web pages and response time of web services. Please use alternative solutions


on this page if you have to make more than ten actions of this type per day


Createamessage +

or SendSmsFast


6Bulk sending of NEW messages
to a list of recipients with a specific
text message for each recipient

In some cases, customization through dynamic fields could be not enough
A list of {recipient + message text for this recipient} has to be provided as input and all messages shall be sent as a single campaign.
This option has not had the side effects of option #5 and it also allows sending of completely different messages for each recipient.

N/ASMS sending from CSV file
7Immediate sendingFor text messages to be sent as soon as possible

Createamessage +


SMS sending from CSV file 
8Scheduled sendingFor text messages to be sent at a specified time

Createamessage +


SMS sending from CSV file 
9Sending of concatenated messagesWhen message length is higher than 160 characters (or higher than 70 chars if "Unicode" (use Unicode for non-western alphabets)
SendSmsFast SMS sending from CSV file 


Createamessage +


SMS sending from CSV file 
10Read Available creditsRetrieve the value of remaining credits (either as a whole at the account level or by list)N/A
11SMS Price

To know how many credits are used when sending an SMS in any country, visit SMS Credits & SMS Price

Extractor display statistics

Email statistics are mainly the number and the details about opens and clicks, usually grouped by message. About SMS we can only know the delivery status and, in case of error, the error code.  


titleClick here to expand and see available methods

REST API offer offers the best suite about of MailUp statistics, also allowing filtered and paged searches. More on this page  


A batch export can be configured to periodically export on to a CSV file the statistics of email and/or SMS messages. Export frequency can be set from 1 hour to 2 weeksfor hourly to fourth weekly schedules. Contact us to ask request a batch export for your console account (non-standard configurations may require an extra fee). More on this page


WebService MailupReport provides a couple of methods to retreive statistics by message or by recipient. This solution works well only when returned data size is relatively small (e.g. lower than 100 items)


Frontend pages provide a reduced version of some statistics pages of the console account , so that an external application can embed them. Available pages are similar to Summary Report and Opens report.
