Published — v. 29
Text messages - SMS

Text messages - SMS

This page provides you with information about how to use MailUp REST API to create text messages (SMS) and to send them to specified recipients.

On this page:

Subscribe on SMS channel

Add recipients

In the case of already existing recipients the following behavior applies to subscriptions:

  • already subscribed remain subscribed
  • pending or unsubscribed on SMS channel does not change their subscription status

The import process can recognize existing recipients, using the mobile number as unique identifiers, and update them according to the given input details. It is possible to add some query string parameters to specify some advanced behavior for the import process:

  • clearMissingOrEmptyFields: when set to "true", the import process clears on the MailUp field that is not specified or set as empty in the request body.
  • removeFromPrevGroups: when set to "true", first the import process removes the given recipients from any group they have been part of, then it adds them only to the group specified along with this request. This query string parameter applies only to "Add to a MailUp group" cases.


Asynchronous import of one or more recipients on SMS channel

HTTP Method



Add to a MailUp list{id_List}/Recipients
Add to a MailUp group{id_Group}/Recipients

 Go to automated doc

 Click here to learn more about request parameters

The request is composed of a list of comma-separated objects, each one of them is composed of the following mandatory fields:

Field NameTypeDescription

Array of objects [0..39].
Each object is composed of
the following fields:  

  • Description (String, optional)
  • Id (Integer, from 1 to 39)
  • Value (String)

Each array object is a personal data field.

If the recipient is already existing, the "fields" values can be used to update the recipient's data

NameStringNot used but required, it can be empty (i.e. "Name":"")
MobileNumberStringThe number format is checked by an asynchronous process, hence in case of invalid number import fails but no error is returned

International prefix. Allowed formats are:

  • prefix with 00 (e.g. "0039")
  • prefix with + (e.g. "+39")
  • empty prefix (e.g. "", default list prefix is applied)

JSON request (example)

 Click here to expand...
             "Description":"String content",
             "Value":"String content"
  "Name":"String content",

JSON response (example)

Returns import ID

Paging and filtering (example)

Read recipients


Specific methods are available for retrieving recipients that are, respectively, subscribed, pending, or unsubscribed on the SMS channel.

HTTP Method



Automated docs are available for Subscribed, Pending, and Unsubscribed

JSON request (example)

JSON response (example)

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The same data format is used in the responses related to "Subscribed", "Pending" and "Unsubscribed". Full recipient details are returned.

   "IsPaginated" : false,
   "Items" : [
         "Fields" : [
               "Description" : "LatestOrderAmount",
               "Id" : 15,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "FirstName",
               "Id" : 1,
               "Value" : "Mary"
               "Description" : "Region",
               "Id" : 8,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "LatestOrderProductIDs",
               "Id" : 16,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "LastName",
               "Id" : 2,
               "Value" : "Johnson"
               "Description" : "Address",
               "Id" : 9,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "LatestOrderCategoryIDs",
               "Id" : 17,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "Company",
               "Id" : 3,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "Gender ",
               "Id" : 10,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "LatestShippedOrderDate",
               "Id" : 18,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "City",
               "Id" : 4,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "phone",
               "Id" : 11,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "LatestShippedOrderID",
               "Id" : 19,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "Province",
               "Id" : 5,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "CustomerID",
               "Id" : 12,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "LatestAbandonedCartDate",
               "Id" : 20,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "ZIP",
               "Id" : 6,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "LatestOrderID",
               "Id" : 13,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "State",
               "Id" : 7,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "LatestOrderDate",
               "Id" : 14,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "LatestAbandonedCartTotal",
               "Id" : 21,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "LatestAbandonedCartID",
               "Id" : 22,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "TotalOrdered",
               "Id" : 23,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "TotalOrderedLast12m",
               "Id" : 24,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "TotalOrderedLast30d",
               "Id" : 25,
               "Value" : ""
               "Description" : "AllOrderedProductIDs",
               "Id" : 26,
               "Value" : ""
         "Name" : null,
         "idRecipient" : 15,
         "Email" : null,
         "MobileNumber" : "323456789",
         "MobilePrefix" : "001"
   "PageNumber" : 0,
   "PageSize" : 10,
   "Skipped" : 0,
   "TotalElementsCount" : 1

Paging and filtering (example)

Text messages

A text message is always created inside the environment of a MailUp list, so it cannot be managed outside of that list.

Create a message

Please note that, when creating a new text message, any referenced tag must be created in advance for that list. 

Known limitations:

  • In some countries, like Italy, some restrictions on SMS senders apply. Use MailUp admin console to verify if the specified sender is subject to limitations in some countries
  • MailUp REST API applies, on alphanumeric senders, looser format restrictions than the admin console. While the admin console allows only letters and numbers, API also allow spaces, punctuation, and other special characters. Please consider that letters and numbers are supported by any carrier, while other characters may be replaced in some cases. It is recommended that you perform some tests before using a sender with spaces, punctuation, or special characters
  • In the case of an empty Sender, the default list settings are applied


Create a new text message

HTTP Method



Go to automated doc

 Click here to learn more about request parameters
Field NameTypeDescription
 SubjectStringMessage title (for MailUp users only, it will not be visible to recipients)
ContentStringMessage content

Array of objects [0..39].
Each object is composed of
the following fields:  

  • Description (String, optional)
  • Id (Integer, from 1 to 39)
  • Value (String)

Each array object will be used to fill the correspondent dynamic field when its value has been left empty or blank.

NotesStringMessage notes (for MailUp users only, it will not be visible to recipients)
TagsArray of objects
Each object is composed of
the following fields:  
  • Enabled (Boolean)
  • Id (Integer, from 1 to 39)
  • Value (String)

An optional field is used to link existing tags to the text message.

Tags can be used to classify messages, please check this page for more details about tags

IsUnicodeBooleanFalse if the message contains only letters or symbols that belong to the Western alphabet (GSM charset).
True if at least one message character belongs to a non-western alphabet (Unicode)

Message sender. It can be a phone number (e.g. +393351234567) or a string (up to 11 chars,

only letters, and numbers). Please note that in some countries, like Italy, some restrictions on SMS senders apply.

Use the MailUp admin console to verify if the specified sender is subject to limitations in some countries.

If you leave this field empty will be applied the SMS sender defined for the current List.

JSON request (example)

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In this case recipients with an empty field as "FirstName" will receive "Hello dear customer, your appointment is confirmed for today at 5 PM, Main Building 1st floor"
from "ABCandCO"

    "Subject":"Appointment #1",
    "Content":"Hello [firstname], your appointment is confirmed for today at 5PM, Main Building 1st floor",
               "Value":"dear customer"
    "Notes":"Appointment is confirmed",

JSON response (example)

   "Subject" : "Appointment #1",
   "idList" : 1,
   "idMessage" : 2

Paging and filtering (example)

List Messages

DescriptionRetrieve text messages of a specified list

HTTP Method



ReferenceGo to automated doc

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

All the text messages of a specified list

 Click here to expand...
   "IsPaginated" : false,
   "Items" : [
         "Subject" : "Appointment #1",
         "idList" : 2,
         "idMessage" : 2
         "Subject" : "Happy Holidays",
         "idList" : 2,
         "idMessage" : 6
         "Subject" : "Happy Birthday",
         "idList" : 2,
         "idMessage" : 5
   "PageNumber" : 0,
   "PageSize" : 10,
   "Skipped" : 0,
   "TotalElementsCount" : 3

Paging and filtering (example)

Use this filter to extract only the SMS messages of list 1 that contain the word "promo" in their subject.
Strict filter matching with "==" instead of "Contains" is much more performing.

GET /Console/Sms/List/1/Messages?filterby="Subject.Contains('promo')"

Read message details

DescriptionRetrieve the text message details by specified message-id

HTTP Method



Retrieve the SMS details by specified id{id_List}/Message/{id_Message}
ReferenceGo to automated doc

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

 Click here to expand...
   "Subject" : "Appointment #1",
   "idList" : 1,
   "idMessage" : 2,
   "Content" : "Hello [firstname], your appointment is confirmed for today at 5PM, Main Building 1st floor",
   "Fields" : [
         "Description" : "FirstName",
         "Id" : 1,
         "Value" : "dear customer"
         "Description" : "LastName",
         "Id" : 2,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "Company",
         "Id" : 3,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "City",
         "Id" : 4,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "Province",
         "Id" : 5,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "ZIP",
         "Id" : 6,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "State",
         "Id" : 7,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "Region",
         "Id" : 8,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "Address",
         "Id" : 9,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "Gender ",
         "Id" : 10,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "phone",
         "Id" : 11,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "CustomerID",
         "Id" : 12,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "LatestOrderID",
         "Id" : 13,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "LatestOrderDate",
         "Id" : 14,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "LatestOrderAmount",
         "Id" : 15,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "LatestOrderProductIDs",
         "Id" : 16,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "LatestOrderCategoryIDs",
         "Id" : 17,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "LatestShippedOrderDate",
         "Id" : 18,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "LatestShippedOrderID",
         "Id" : 19,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "LatestAbandonedCartDate",
         "Id" : 20,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "LatestAbandonedCartTotal",
         "Id" : 21,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "LatestAbandonedCartID",
         "Id" : 22,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "TotalOrdered",
         "Id" : 23,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "TotalOrderedLast12m",
         "Id" : 24,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "TotalOrderedLast30d",
         "Id" : 25,
         "Value" : ""
         "Description" : "AllOrderedProductIDs",
         "Id" : 26,
         "Value" : ""
   "Notes" : "Appointment is confirmed",
   "Tags" : [
   "IsUnicode" : false,
   "Sender" : "ABCandCO"

Paging and filtering (example)

Update message

DescriptionUpdate a text message by specifying the message-id

HTTP Method


ReferenceGo to automated doc

JSON request (example)

 Click here to expand...
 "Subject" : "Appointment #1",
 "idList" : 1,
 "idMessage" : 2,
 "Content" : "Hello [firstname], your appointment is confirmed for today at 5PM, Main Building 1st floor",

JSON response (example)

 Click here to expand...
   "Subject" : "Appointment #1",
   "idList" : 1,
   "idMessage" : 2,

Paging and filtering (example)

Delete Message

DescriptionDelete a text message by specifying its ID

HTTP Method


ReferenceGo to automated doc

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)


Paging and filtering (example)

Send a text message

SMS Sender

Regardless of the sender, you set when creating a message, MailUp REST API always sends SMS using the sender that is specified at the list level. If you want to change the sender you must modify the list properties.
Please note that in some countries the sender may be subject to local restrictions and it may be overwritten by the carriers before being delivered. You can contact us if you need support for some specific nations.

Single Send

DescriptionSend a text message to a mobile number by specifying message ID.
The recipient is automatically subscribed to the SMS channel of the list in which the message was created.

HTTP Method


ReferenceGo to automated doc

JSON request (example)

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JSON response (example)

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Paging and filtering (example)

Send to group/list

DescriptionImmediate or scheduled mailing to a list or a group

HTTP Method



<!-- Immediate Send to all subscribers on SMS channel for specified list -->{id_List}/Message/{id_Message}/Send

<!-- Immediate Send to all subscribers on SMS channel for specified group -->{id_Group}/Message/{id_Message}/Send

<!-- Scheduled Send to all subscribers on SMS channel for specified list (UTC timezone is expected) -->{id_List}/Message/{id_Message}/Send?datetime="2015-10-20 05:00:00Z"

<!-- Scheduled Send to all subscribers on SMS channel for specified group (UTC timezone is expected) -->{id_Group}/Message/{id_Message}/Send?datetime="2015-10-20 05:00:00Z" 
ReferenceGo to automated doc (all operations)

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

 Click here to expand...

"Sent" value refers to the number of recipients that will receive the message regardless of the type of sending (immediate or deferred)


Paging and filtering (example)

Manage Send Queue

Known limitations:

  • scheduled date and time cannot be modified
  • at the moment there is no way to move from immediate/scheduled queues to "waiting to be sent" queue
DescriptionQuery the send queue

HTTP Method



<!-- Retrieve the status of sms sending queues for immediate scheduled dispatches -->

<!-- Retrieve the status of sms sending queues for deferred scheduled dispatches -->

<!-- Retrieves the status of sms sending queues for dispatches to be scheduled -->

<!-- Retrieves the earliest date and time to schedule the given sending task -->

<!-- Move from "waiting to be sent" to "immediate sending" queue (without starting send) -->

<!-- Move from "waiting to be sent" to "scheduled sending" queue (scheduled date and time is passed as POST parameter) -->
ReferenceGo to automated doc (all operations)

JSON request (example)

 Click here to expand...

Request example for POST /Console/Sms/Sendings/{id_Sending}/Deferred

    "Date":"2015-02-19 14:41:46Z"

JSON response (example)

 Click here to expand...
{"Id":72,"IdList":10,"IdMessage":29,"Notes":"This is a test message","StartDate":"2015-02-12 17:00:00Z","State":"Queued","Subject":"Test #1","Type":"Deferred"},{"Id":73,"IdList":3,"IdMessage":19,"Notes":"","StartDate":"2015-03-02 15:00:00Z","State":"Queued","Subject":"Customer credentials","Type":"Deferred"}
{"Id":36,"IdList":8,"IdMessage":12,"Notes":"msg to be sent after 3 warnings", "StartDate":null,"State":"ToBePlanned","Subject":"Final notice", "Type":"Undefined"},
{"Id":44,"IdList":3,"IdMessage":4,"Notes":"","StartDate":null,"State":"ToBePlanned","Subject":"Valentine's day","Type":"Undefined"},{"Id":46,"IdList":2,"IdMessage":14,"Notes":"","StartDate":null,"State":"ToBePlanned","Subject":"Welcome","Type":"Undefined"},{"Id":52,"IdList":2,"IdMessage":18,"Notes":"","StartDate":null,"State":"ToBePlanned","Subject":"Happy birthday","Type":"Undefined"},{"Id":48,"IdList":2,"IdMessage":15,"Notes":"","StartDate":null,"State":"ToBePlanned","Subject":"Season greetings","Type":"Undefined"},{"Id":71,"IdList":10,"IdMessage":30,"Notes":"","StartDate":null,"State":"ToBePlanned","Subject":"Password reminder","Type":"Undefined"}
Earliest date and time
"2015-02-09 14:41:46Z"
Moved from waiting to immedate
Moved from waining to deferred
{"Id":74,"IdList":10,"IdMessage":41,"Notes":"","StartDate":"2015-02-19 14:41:46Z","State":"Queued","Subject":"Welcome","Type":"Deferred"}

Paging and filtering (example)

SMS Statistics

Summary report

DescriptionRetrieve the SMS message sending report by specifying SMS ID.

HTTP Method


ReferenceGo to automated doc

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

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StartDate = timestamp for mailing start
EndDate = timestamp for mailing start
Duration = mailing duration (from start to end dates)
IsCompleted = true if mailing is finished
TotalCost = number of spent credits
TotalMessagesSent = number of messages that compose the mailing (a concatenated message is treated as a single message)
TotalSmsSent = number of billed messages (a concatenated message is billed as a multiple message)

   "Duration" : "00:00:06.4270000",
   "EndDate" : "2014-11-27 10:35:49Z",
   "IsCompleted" : true,
   "StartDate" : "2014-11-27 10:35:43Z",
   "TotalCost" : 2,
   "TotalMessagesSent" : 1,
   "TotalSmsSent" : 2

Paging and filtering (example)

Detailed report

DescriptionRetrieve the SMS message sending report details by specifying SMS ID.

HTTP Method


ReferenceGo to automated doc

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

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ErrorCode = operation result (FAILED, UNKNOWN, NACK, UNDELIV, REJECTD, EXPIRED) + specific error code
Receiver = recipient's phone number, international prefix is specified uning neither '+' nor '00' 
SentDate = sent date and time (UTC time zone)
Status = 0 (delivered), 1 (queued), 2 (error)

{"ErrorCode":"FAILED_AT_004","Receiver":"391111111111","SentDate":"2015-01-29 14:11:10Z","Status":2},
{"ErrorCode":"FAILED_AT_004","Receiver":"392222222222","SentDate":"2015-01-29 14:11:10Z","Status":2},
{"ErrorCode":"FAILED_AT_004","Receiver":"393333333333","SentDate":"2015-01-29 14:11:10Z","Status":2},
{"ErrorCode":"FAILED_AT_004","Receiver":"394444444444","SentDate":"2015-01-29 14:11:10Z","Status":2},
{"ErrorCode":"FAILED_AT_004","Receiver":"395555555555","SentDate":"2015-01-29 14:11:10Z","Status":2},
{"ErrorCode":"","Receiver":"396666666666","SentDate":"2015-01-29 14:11:10Z","Status":0},
{"ErrorCode":"","Receiver":"397777777777","SentDate":"2015-01-29 14:11:10Z","Status":0},
{"ErrorCode":"FAILED_AT_004","Receiver":"398888888888","SentDate":"2015-01-29 14:11:10Z","Status":2},
{"ErrorCode":"","Receiver":"399999999999","SentDate":"2015-01-29 14:11:10Z","Status":0}

Paging and filtering (example)

Use this filter to extract the result of the latest message with ID=24 that was sent to number +3933512345678
GET /Console/Sms/24/Sendings/ReportDetails?filterby="Receiver=='3933512345678'"&orderby="SentDate+desc"&pageSize=1&pageNumber=0

If you used the sending method of the Transactional API for SMS you can also filter by the DeliveryId that was returned by that method.

GET /Console/Sms/24/Sendings/ReportDetails?DeliveryId=1648

In this case, paging and further filtering is not required since no more than one result can be returned

SMS Credits

Summary report

DescriptionRetrieve several account details, including the number of available credits

HTTP Method


ReferenceGo to automated doc

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

 Click here to expand...
Company = String, Customer name
IsTrial = Boolean, true in case of trial account
UID = String, user ID
Username = String, user name
Version = String, MailUp account version
Email = String, address used to activate the MailUp account
TotalCredits = Float, number of available credits
CreditsByList = Array of objects, number of available credits for each list (if credit's splitting by list is enabled)
Plan = Int, ID of purchased plan
ExpiryDate = Date
Autorenewal = Int, 1 if renewal is automatic, otherwise false
Lang = String, language 

	"Company":"String content",
	"UID":"String content",
	"Username":"String content",
	"Version":"String content"
	"Email":"String content"
	"ExpiryDate":2025-02-20 00:00:00.000
	"Lang":"String content"
Paging and filtering (example)