Published — v. 25
Email Statistics

Email Statistics

This page provides you with information about how to get email statistics by message and by the recipient.


Email Statistics use a different "base URL" than methods that can be used to manage your console account resources. Caller application should handle three distinct bases URLs when working with REST API ("Console", "Statistics" and "Public")

The use of paging for email statistics is often enabled by default. It is strongly recommended to avoid removal of default paging because in some cases the size of returned data could be really big (i.e. caller applications may experience either response times that is longer than expected or errors that are related to maximum data size restrictions on the infrastructure that hosts the caller). By implementing paging, a developer can test the caller application in its edge cases, in such a way that even a huge number of opens, delivered emails, or clicks do not represent a problem.

Filtering does not apply to the Count parameter

On this page:

Get Statistics by Message

This section enables you to get statistics of an email message by specifying its ID. You can get message IDs by using the List Messages method. For each type of statistics by message, both a "COUNT" method (only the total number) and a "LIST" method (all available details) are provided.

If you reuse a specified message and organize more campaigns with it, you should be aware that the message statistics of a specific campaign cannot be handled separately from the statistics of the other campaigns made with the same message. If you need to separate the statistics of each campaign, it is recommended that you clone the message (i.e. make a copy) whenever you are planning a new campaign.

Read message recipients

Please note that the full list of message recipients is kept inside MailUp kept for the period of data retention set for the console, however up to 12 months after message sending. After that period COUNT returns zero and LIST returns an empty array.


Get recipients to whom the specified message was sent

HTTP Method



Get recipients to whom the specified message was sent (COUNT), even if the recipient is no longer in the platform's list.{ID_MESSAGE}/Count/Recipients

Get a list of email addresses to whom the specified message was sent (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20). Recipients no longer in the platform's list are not included.{ID_MESSAGE}/List/Recipients

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

COUNT method simply returns the number of sent messages (e.g. 103)

LIST method returns a paged list

 Click here to expand...

Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Message/11826/List/Recipients?PageSize=10&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 10 and retreive the second page)

Read message opens

Full details about opens are kept for the period of data retention set for the console.


Get opens for the specified message

HTTP Method



Get the number of opens for the specified message (COUNT){ID_MESSAGE}/Count/Views

Get a list of recipients that opened the specified message (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20){ID_MESSAGE}/List/Views

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

COUNT method simply returns the number of opens (e.g. 13)

LIST method returns a list of recipients that opened the message (each recipient could have opened the message more than once, see "Count" parameter for each recipient). The list is paged by default if the number of returned items is higher than 20

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Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Message/11826/List/Views?PageSize=5&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 5 and retreive the second page)

Read clicks by message

Full details about clicks are kept for the period of data retention set for the console


Get clicks for the specified message

HTTP Method



Get the number of clicks for the specified message (COUNT){ID_MESSAGE}/Count/Clicks

Get a list of recipients that clicked at least a link in the specified message (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20){ID_MESSAGE}/List/Clicks

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

COUNT method simply return the number of clicks (e.g. 13)

LIST method returns a list of recipients that clicked in the message (each recipient could have clicked the message more than once, see "Count" parameter for each recipient). The list is paged by default if the number of returned items is higher than 20

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Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Message/11826/List/Clicks?PageSize=5&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 5 and retreive the second page)

Full details about clicks are kept for the period of data retention set for the console


Get distribution of clicks for the specified message

HTTP Method



Count the number of clicks on each link of the specified message{ID_MESSAGE}/List/UrlClicks

Get a list of recipients that clicked at least a link in the specified message (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20){ID_MESSAGE}/List/UrlClickDetails

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

UrlClicks returns a paged list of message links with at least one click. For each link, both the URL and the number of clicks are provided

 Click here to expand...
{"IsPaginated":true,"Items":[{"Count":63,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"Read in web browser"},{"Count":628,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/landing-page\/freetrial-12\/tryme30days.asp"},{"Count":283,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/2014\/04\/update-machinery\/ "},{"Count":59,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/pec ipsettings.htm"},{"Count":123,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"https:\/\/\/watch?v=su896YA0gC3A&"},{"Count":86,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"Unsubscribe"},{"Count":24,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/"},{"Count":68,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/email-checkup\/"},{"Count":5,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/shareArticle?mini=true&url=http:\/\/\/frontend\/nl_preview_window.aspx?idNL=11775&fc=MTE4NzU=&&title=Read april newsletter from acme&summary=Read latest news from industry world"},{"Count":19,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"Preference Center"},{"Count":12,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"Autoprofile: 72"},{"Count":11,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/pages\/acme\/97291130649"},{"Count":4,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/frontend\/track.aspx?url=http:\/\/\/votenewsletter.asp?id=1"},{"Count":5,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/votenewsletter.asp"},{"Count":10,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/responsability.htm"},{"Count":3,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/frontend\/track.aspx?url=http:\/\/\/votenewsletter.asp?id=2"},{"Count":4,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/acme"},{"Count":4,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"https:\/\/\/intent\/tweet?source=webclient&text=I am reading april newsletter! via @acme http:\/\/\/frontend\/nl_preview_window.aspx?idNL=11775&fc=MTE3NzU=&"},{"Count":3,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/frontend\/track.aspx?url=http:\/\/\/votenewsletter.asp?id=4"},{"Count":8,"IdMessage":11775,"Url":"http:\/\/\/frontend\/newsletters.aspx?idlist=1&hashlista=6dfe152c-fbf2-420a-9e2d-51e462fea20d"}],"PageNumber":0,"PageSize":20,"Skipped":0,"TotalElementsCount":27}

LIST method returns a list of recipients that clicked in the message (each recipient could have clicked the message more than once, see "Count" parameter for each recipient). The list is paged by default if the number of returned items is higher than 20

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For sake of simplicity, we consider a message with only one clicked the link and with a page size that is reduced to 2 items per page


Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Message/11826/List/UrlClickDetails?PageSize=5&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 5 and retreive the second page)

Read bounces by message


Get recipients for whom a bounce occurred when the specified message was sent

HTTP Method



Get the number of bounces related to the specified message (COUNT){ID_MESSAGE}/Count/Bounces

Get a list of email addresses that originated a bounce when the specified message was sent (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20){ID_MESSAGE}/List/Bounces

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

COUNT method simply returns the number of bounces (e.g. 103)

LIST method returns a paged list

 Click here to expand...

Disclaimer: addresses used in the example here below have been invented as examples of wrong emails, it is not guaranteed that they actually match with the bounce "Type" that is specified for each of them

{"IsPaginated":true,"Items":[{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1419659,"Type":"MBSD "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1419650,"Type":"SBDF "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1419635,"Type":"HB "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1419632,"Type":"HB "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1419616,"Type":"MBSD "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1419579,"Type":"HB "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1419467,"Type":"MBSD "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1419068,"Type":"GB "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1418795,"Type":"GB "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1415989,"Type":"GB"}],

Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Message/11826/List/Bounces?PageSize=10&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 10 and retreive the second page)

Read unsubscribed recipients by message

This feature allows extracting either the number or the full list of the recipients whose unsubscription is related to a specified message.


Get recipients whose unsubscription is related to the specified message

HTTP Method



Get the number of unsubscribed (COUNT){ID_MESSAGE}/Count/Unsubscriptions

Get a detailed list of unsubscribed (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20).{ID_MESSAGE}/List/Unsubscriptions

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

COUNT method simply returns the number of unsubscribed recipients (e.g. 103)

LIST method returns a paged list

 Click here to expand...

Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Message/11826/List/Unsubscriptions?PageSize=10&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 10 and retreive the second page)

Get Statistics by Recipient

This section enables you to get statistics related to a recipient by specifying its ID. You can get the recipient ID by using the "Check if a subscriber exists" method. For each type of statistics by message, both a "COUNT" method (only the total number) and a "LIST" method (all available details) are provided.

Read delivered messages by recipient

Please note that delivery details are kept inside MailUp kept for the period of data retention set for the console, however up to 12 months. After that period COUNT returns zero and LIST returns an empty array.


Get the email messages sent to the specified recipient

HTTP Method



Get the email messages sent to the specified recipient (COUNT)

Get the email messages sent to the specified recipient (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20)

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

COUNT method simply returns the number of delivered messages (e.g. 2)

LIST method returns a paged list (default page size = 20)

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{"IsPaginated":false,"Items":[{"Count":1,"IdList":89,"IdMessage":11824,"Notes":"Martial Arts 02","Subject":"How to become a Ninja"},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11813,"Notes":"Martial Arts 01","Subject":"Karate fundamentals"}],"PageNumber":0,"PageSize":20,"Skipped":0,"TotalElementsCount":2}

Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Recipient/1378914/List/Deliveries?PageSize=10&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 10 and retrieve the second page)

If you want to retrieve only the messages that are related to a particular list you can specify the "FilterBy" option (e.g. only messages that belong to list 51

  • /Recipient/1378914/List/Deliveries?filterby="IdList+%3d%3d+51"

Read opens by the recipient

Full details about opens are kept for kept for the period of data retention set for the console.


Get opens for the specified recipient

HTTP Method



Get the number of opens for the specified recipient (COUNT)

Get a list of messages that were opened by the specified recipient (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20)

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

COUNT method simply returns the number of opens (e.g. 13)

LIST method returns a detailed list of opened messages (each message could have been opened the message more than once by the same recipient, see "Count" parameter for each recipient). The list is paged by default if the number of returned items is higher than 20

 Click here to expand...
{"IsPaginated":true,"Items":[{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11775,"Notes":"","Subject":"Join our webinar"},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11741,"Notes":"","Subject":"Check out our new ebook"},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11677,"Notes":"Message B","Subject":"Success Stories in digital marketing"},{"Count":2,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11633,"Notes":"Message A","Subject":"Hello [name], here is a selection of success stories"},{"Count":2,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11566,"Notes":"Message A","Subject":"Merry Christmas"},{"Count":2,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11564,"Notes":"Message B","Subject":"[name], get your XMas present!"},{"Count":3,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11536,"Notes":"","Subject":"Email and Business"},{"Count":4,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11497,"Notes":"","Subject":"Learn more about SMS"},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11406,"Notes":"","Subject":"April Newsletter"},{"Count":3,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11313,"Notes":"","Subject":"Happy Birthday"},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11217,"Notes":"","Subject":"Quick Poll"},{"Count":2,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11142,"Notes":"","Subject":"How to improve your business"},{"Count":4,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11091,"Notes":"","Subject":"Product News - May 2013"},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11049,"Notes":"","Subject":"Price changes"},{"Count":4,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11005,"Notes":"","Subject":"[name], join us at XYZ conference"},{"Count":3,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":10970,"Notes":"Message B","Subject":"Email and smartphones"},{"Count":12,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":10961,"Notes":"Message A","Subject":"Email and smartphones"},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":10949,"Notes":"","Subject":"How to make a good marketing plan"},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":10838,"Notes":"","Subject":"[name], subscribe our promotions newsletter!"},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":10820,"Notes":"","Subject":"Product News - March 2013"}],"PageNumber":0,"PageSize":20,"Skipped":0,"TotalElementsCount":37}

Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Recipient/300501/List/Views?PageSize=5&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 5 and retrieve the second page)

If you want to retrieve only the messages that are related to a particular list you can specify the "FilterBy" option (e.g. only messages that belong to list 51)

  • /Recipient/300501/List/Views?filterby="IdList+%3d%3d+51"

If you want to retrieve only the messages that have been opened more than once by a specified recipient you can specify the "FilterBy" option (e.g. Count >=2)

Read clicks by the recipient

Full details about clicks are kept for the period of data retention set for the console.


Get clicks performed by the specified recipient

HTTP Method



Get the number of clicks for the specified message (COUNT)

Get a list of messages in which the specified recipients have performed at least one click (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20)

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

COUNT method simply returns the number of clicks (e.g. 13)

LIST method returns a list of clicked messages (the specified recipient could have clicked the message more than once, see "Count" parameter for each message). The list is paged by default if the number of returned items is higher than 20

 Click here to expand...
{"IsPaginated":false,"Items":[{"Count":1,"IdList":87,"IdMessage":11658,"Notes":"List Plus by Mike Brown","Subject":"Higlhights New Media 2014 Feb 10th "},{"Count":1,"IdList":87,"IdMessage":11090,"Notes":"List Plus by Mike Brown","Subject":"Higlhights New Media 2013 July 3rd"},{"Count":2,"IdList":80,"IdMessage":10598,"Notes":" internal email","Subject":"Company Events"},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11575,"Notes":" Xmas newsletter","Subject":"[name], get your XMas coupon"},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11554,"Notes":"","Subject":"☑ Get your free trial account"},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11531,"Notes":"A+B","Subject":"♛ Learn the golden rules"},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11442,"Notes":"","Subject":"Market watch"},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11380,"Notes":"not customers: version A","Subject":"Market watch"},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11288,"Notes":"not customers, with embedded images","Subject":"Market watch"},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":10970,"Notes":"","Subject":"Email and smartphones"},{"Count":2,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":10634,"Notes":"","Subject":"Inbox"},{"Count":2,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":953,"Notes":"Invitation","Subject":"Invite for marketing forum 2010 in Milan"},{"Count":1,"IdList":41,"IdMessage":10621,"Notes":"","Subject":"Get your Christmas Box"},{"Count":1,"IdList":41,"IdMessage":10417,"Notes":"selected customers","Subject":"Try the new features of XYZ product"},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11566,"Notes":"","Subject":"Email Check-Up"},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11497,"Notes":"","Subject":"Follow our webinars!"},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11142,"Notes":"","Subject":"Improve your delivery rate"},{"Count":3,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":10961,"Notes":" ","Subject":"Email and smartphones"},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":10820,"Notes":"","Subject":"Important update"},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":10624,"Notes":"","Subject":"Check out the new plugin"}],"PageNumber":0,"PageSize":20,"Skipped":0,"TotalElementsCount":20}

Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Recipient/300501/List/Clicks?PageSize=5&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 5 and retreive the second page)

Full details about clicks are kept kept for the period of data retention set for the console.


Get the distribution of clicks done by the specified recipient

HTTP Method



Get a list of links, grouped by message, that the specified recipient has clicked (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20). For each link, a click counter is provided.

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

ClicksDetails returns a paged list of message links with at least one click. For each message both the clicked URL and the number of clicks are provided. The list is paged by default if the number of returned items is higher than 20

 Click here to expand...
{"IsPaginated":false,"Items":[{"Count":1,"IdList":87,"IdMessage":11658,"Notes":"List Plus by Mike Brown","Subject":"Higlhights New Media 2014 Feb 10th ","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":11658,"Url":"Preference Center"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":87,"IdMessage":11090,"Notes":"List Plus by Mike Brown","Subject":"Higlhights New Media 2013 July 3rd","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":11090,"Url":"Preference Center"}]},{"Count":2,"IdList":80,"IdMessage":10598,"Notes":" internal email","Subject":"Company Events","UrlClicks":[{"Count":2,"IdMessage":10598,"Url":"http:\/\/\/"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11575,"Notes":" Xmas newsletter","Subject":"[name], get your XMas coupon","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":11575,"Url":"http:\/\/\/"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11554,"Notes":"","Subject":"☑ Get your free trial account","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":11554,"Url":"http:\/\/\/register\/8702471"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11531,"Notes":"A+B","Subject":"♛ Learn the golden rules","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":11531,"Url":"http:\/\/\/ebooks_conferma\/sms-marketing.asp?"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11442,"Notes":"","Subject":"Market watch","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":11442,"Url":"http:\/\/\/ebooks_conferma\/osservatorio-mailup-2013.asp"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11380,"Notes":"not customers: version A","Subject":"Market watch","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":11380,"Url":"http:\/\/\/ebooks\/marketwatch2013.asp"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":11288,"Notes":"not customers, with embedded images","Subject":"Market watch","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":11288,"Url":"http:\/\/\/email-marketing-ebooks\/html-email-marketing.asp?"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":10970,"Notes":"","Subject":"Email and smartphones","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":10970,"Url":"http:\/\/\/email-marketing-ebooks\/mobile-email-marketing.asp"}]},{"Count":2,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":10634,"Notes":"","Subject":"Inbox","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":10634,"Url":"http:\/\/\/email-marketing-ebooks\/delivery.asp"},{"Count":1,"IdMessage":10634,"Url":"Lettura nel browser web"}]},{"Count":2,"IdList":51,"IdMessage":953,"Notes":"Invitation","Subject":"Invite for marketing forum 2010 in Milan","UrlClicks":[{"Count":2,"IdMessage":953,"Url":"http:\/\/\/"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":41,"IdMessage":10621,"Notes":"","Subject":"Get your Christmas Box","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":10621,"Url":"Lettura nel browser web"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":41,"IdMessage":10417,"Notes":"selected customers","Subject":"Try the new features of XYZ product","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":10417,"Url":"Form autoprofilazione: 54"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11566,"Notes":"","Subject":"Email Check-Up","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":11566,"Url":"http:\/\/\/2013\/12\/choose-the-right-header\/"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11497,"Notes":"","Subject":"Follow our webinars!","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":11497,"Url":"http:\/\/\/new-features-2013.htm"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11142,"Notes":"","Subject":"Improve your delivery rate","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":11142,"Url":"http:\/\/\/2013\/07\/email-check-up\/"}]},{"Count":3,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":10961,"Notes":" ","Subject":"Email and smartphones","UrlClicks":[{"Count":2,"IdMessage":10961,"Url":"http:\/\/\/2013\/05\/brcomr-industry-partner\/"},{"Count":1,"IdMessage":10961,"Url":"http:\/\/\/2013\/05\/mobile"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":10820,"Notes":"","Subject":"Important update","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":10820,"Url":"http:\/\/\/2013\/03\/product-management"}]},{"Count":1,"IdList":1,"IdMessage":10624,"Notes":"","Subject":"Check out the new plugin","UrlClicks":[{"Count":1,"IdMessage":10624,"Url":"http:\/\/\/2012\/12\/plugin-updates\/"}]}],"PageNumber":0,"PageSize":20,"Skipped":0,"TotalElementsCount":20}

Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Recipient/300501/List/ClicksDetails?PageSize=5&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 5 and retreive the second page)

Read bounces by the recipient


Get bounces that have been reported for the specified recipient

HTTP Method



Get the number of bounces related to the specified recipient (COUNT)

Get a list of messages in which a bounce condition occurred for a specified recipient (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20)

Get a detailed list of messages in which a bounce condition occurred for a specified recipient (DETAILED LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20)

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

COUNT method simply returns the number of bounces (e.g. 4)

LIST method returns a paged list

 Click here to expand...
{"IsPaginated":false,"Items":[{"Email":"","IdMessage":11824,"IdRecipient":1419659,"Type":"MBSD "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11813,"IdRecipient":1419659,"Type":"MBSD "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1419659,"Type":"MBSD "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11766,"IdRecipient":1419659,"Type":"MBSD "}],"PageNumber":0,"PageSize":20,"Skipped":0,"TotalElementsCount":4}

DETAILED LIST method returns a paged list that includes also the message details (subject and notes)

 Click here to expand...
{"IsPaginated":false,"Items":[{"Email":"","IdMessage":11824,"IdRecipient":1419659,"Notes":"Martial Arts 02","Subject":"How to become a Ninjia","Type":"MBSD "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11813,"IdRecipient":1419659,"Notes":"Martial Arts 01","Subject":"Karate fundamentals","Type":"MBSD "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11775,"IdRecipient":1419659,"Notes":"","Subject":"Join our webinar","Type":"MBSD "},{"Email":"","IdMessage":11766,"IdRecipient":1419659,"Notes":"","Subject":"Mastering Kung Fu","Type":"MBSD "}],"PageNumber":0,"PageSize":20,"Skipped":0,"TotalElementsCount":4}

Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Recipient/1419659/List/Bounces?PageSize=10&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 10 and retreive the second page)

Read clicks on unsubscription link by the recipient

This feature allows extracting either the unsubscriptions made by a specified recipient


Get information about the unsubscriptions by the specified recipient

HTTP Method



Get the number of clicks on an "Unsubscribe" link by the specified recipient (COUNT)

Get a detailed list of clicks on the "Unsubscribe" link by the specified recipient (LIST, paging is set as default with pageSize=20).

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

COUNT method simply returns the number of recipients who clicked on Unsubscribe link (e.g. 1)

LIST method returns a paged list

 Click here to expand...

In this example recipient unsubscribed by means of unsubscription link of message 11775 on list 1 

{"IsPaginated":false,"Items":[{"IdList":1,"IdMessage":11775,"Notes":"","Subject":"Join our webinar"}],"PageNumber":0,"PageSize":20,"Skipped":0,"TotalElementsCount":1}

Paging and filtering (example)

If you want to change the paging size you can take advantage of the "PageSize" option.

  • /Recipient/1419828/List/Unsubscriptions?PageSize=10&PageNumber=1 (change page size to 10 and retreive the second page)

Access to built-in pages for email statistics

MailUp also provides some public pages that display some of the available statistics. These pages do not provide all the details you can obtain by properly combining the methods listed above, but in some cases, it could be an acceptable tradeoff. (Note: you may also use the returned URL to extract the account URL)


Get a list of public pages

HTTP Method



Get a list of URLs{Message_ID}/Pages

JSON request (example)


JSON response (example)

 Click here to get the list of available pages...
  • Overall report by message
  • Login page ("console" URL)
  • Click trend
  • Opens by message
  • Link tracking by message
  • Readers by message
  • Mailings by message ("sent" report)
  • Clicks split by filters*
  • Opens split by filters*

*this page is no longer available 

 Click here to expand...

This is an example provided when requesting pages related to message with ID=11118 (on list 67) for the account with


Paging and filtering (example)

Related content