Published — v. 2
Recipients per group

Recipients per group

Recipient status & group assignments

Under Statistics > Recipients, select Recipient report.

The report shows the number of recipients:

  • by recipient status (Subscribed, Unsubscribed, Pending)
  • by group assignment (remember that the same recipient may belong to more than one group)

Recipient segmentation

The Recipient segmentation report shows how many recipients exist in different categories, using filters.

In both pages, you can export the reports by clicking the "Export" button.

Excel files exported from MailUp: how to solve opening problems

After the Microsoft update that prevents the opening of Excel spreadsheets downloaded from the Internet, statistical reports and recipients lists exported from the MailUp platform may not be displayed correctly. 

Follow these quick steps to change the Excel settings and ensure the opening of documents exported from MailUp:

- open an Excel spreadsheet
- go to File Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Protected View
- remove the check mark next to "Enable Protected View for files originating from the internet"
- click Ok
- click Ok again.

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