Published — v. 3
Aggregate report details
Aggregate report details
The aggregate report has a wealth of information. Here is a quick rundown on what's included:
- Date of creation and last update
- Print button, to create a printable version
- Share button, to obtain a shareable link, that can also be protected with a custom password.
- Combined statistics of the messages included in the report:
- Delivery rate
- Recipients
- Delivered messages
- Bounces
- Open rate and Opens (unique)
- Opens without images download (unique)
- Total opens
- Click through rate and clicks (unique)
- Total clicks
- Click to open rate
- Unsubscriptions and unsubscription rate
- Abuse complaints and complaint rate
- Message shares and share rate
The "Aggregated messages" and "Links" boxes include the statistics for each message, including to the number of times each link was clicked.
Clicking on the numbers in blue in the "Aggregated messages" will take you to the detailed statistics for that message.