Published — v. 23
Create New Task

Create New Task

How to create a new Task

As a general rule it is recommended to:

  1. set up a new Task
  2. Simulate sending
  3. Activate it when the simulation is successful

The creation of a task is divided into 4 distinct steps and a final summary step. Below we will guide you through the creation process:

  1. General informations
  2. Action
  3. Recipients
  4. Frequency
  5. Summary

General informations

In this section you will find the possibility to assign:

  • Name of the task, which will identify it and will be displayed in the list

  • Description of the task, which you can use to remind yourself how it works and in which cases it is useful to you

  • Tag, which will help you find this specific Task if you have created many

  • Default time zone, to establish the reference time zone for your task

  • The ability to use the time zone contained in a personal data field.

Use of time zone from personal data field

The value contained in the field must be written in a specific format, following these examples: UTC+00, UTC+01, UTC+02, etc ... Remember that if the personal data field contains an invalid value or if it is empty, then it will be default time zone used

2 - Action

In this section you can choose the action that the task will have to perform. You can choose between:

  • Send an email message

  • Send an SMS
  • Move or copy recipients without sending any type of sending, in order to segment them, copying them to another group or moving them from the current group to the destination one

Move/Copy Recipients

This function is particularly useful in the construction of multi-message or "cascade" campaigns, since you can configure the system to:

  • Assign the recipient to a group (eg. Recent clickers)
  • Move the recipient from a certain group (eg Non-Clickers to Recent Clickers)

In addition to the sending settings (the same that you will find when you want to send an email or SMS message), in the first two cases you will also have the possibility to subsequently segment the recipients, copying them or moving them from one group to another.

3 - Recipients

In this step you can choose the conditions for selecting the recipients on which the task will be effective.


to continue creating a task you will need to make at least one selection, among groups, filters and conditions.

Specifically, you can:

Select Filters and Groups

By including or excluding predefined audience groups

Include recipients who match conditions

You can set all or at least one of the conditions you select as inclusion criteria, including:

  • Condition based on days passed since a given event
  • Condition based on an identity field
  • Condition based on the “true” value of a personal data filter
  • Condition based on the "false" value of a personal data filter
  • Condition based on the “true” value of an activity / geographic filter
  • Condition based on the “false” value of an activity / geographic filter

If the condition is more complex (e.g. 7 days after enrollment, and resident in Piedmont, female), we suggest you first create one or more filters

Remember that you will need to select a condition to be able to edit its fields.

Creating a condition based on the last click or opening of a recipient

We suggest you create an Activity Filter based on these conditions and select it in this step.

Set the sending frequency for each recipient

In case you do not want to send too many messages in a short period of time to the same recipient, here you can set some time limits in the execution of the task on the individual. Specifically, you can decide to:

  • Do not send more than once to the same recipient in the selected time range
  • Activate the task only once for the same recipient
  • Send without any limit to the same recipient

The "Send once for ... 24 hours" option "protects" my recipients: for example if I am sending an automatic message when a user's birthday occurs, using this option I will send the message only once a day

4 - Frequency

In this section you can determine when to activate the task and possibly prevent its activation in certain circumstances.

Activation frequency

In this section you can decide when the task will be activated cyclically. You can select a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly frequency, but also specify a specific activation time or an hourly interval.


Select a time range in which the task will be active, or simply select a start date.

You can also exclude from activation:

  • Specific dates
  • Recurring dates
  • Saturday and Sunday
  • Outdated RSS feeds
  • Specific time slots

Management of the conflict between activation and limitations

If the limitations set invalidate the temporal conditions for activating a task, you can decide to activate it at the first useful opportunity (for example the day after the one scheduled in the case of a monthly recurrence) or not to activate it at all.

Once you have selected the previous options you will have the option to Save the Task.

5 - Summary

This section allows you to view all the information entered and the options selected for the task in question.

Task activation

You can activate or deactivate the task, just as if you were doing it from the task list. This option is the first one displayed on the summary page

Change the data entered

If, re-reading the selected options, you find something that does not convince you, you can go and modify the relative step thanks to the link next to the arrow of each panel. You can also edit the individual steps by clicking on them.


Thanks to the Simulation function, found at the bottom of the page, you can obtain a simulation of how many recipients the simulation would reach if it started when you request it. Time restrictions set in exceptions will not be taken into account for counting purposes

How to Create a Birthday Task

How to Create a Birthday Task

Invio per il compleanno

1- Create a new message with eg. "Happy birthday" object;

2- Create a birthday demographic filter 

Pay attention to the date, which must:

Respect the date format you have chosen in the recipient profiles;

Be chosen a format without the year (dd / MM, MM / dd or MMdd);

3- Create a Task in which among the conditions select the birthday registry filter (created in point 2);

4- Among the actions you can choose whether to send the newsletter dedicated to the birthday, or move / copy the contacts from one group to another;

If you have any doubts about the date format to choose, we advise you to check how the data is imported into your personal data. You can proceed with a simple export of the data from the Recipients> Export> New page - extracting only these fields and proceed with the export. The file downloaded later will allow you to see the date format of the values ​​you have collected over time, and if there are users who lack the birthday date.

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