Published — v. 9
Fix url
Fix url
When do I need this feature?
"Help I put the wrong link!"
The common scenario I want to use this feature is the following:
- The message is sent: mailing has been completed
- A wrong link is discovered
- The sender would like to be able to fix the link
Example: I put but the correct one was
How does it work?
Select Settings > Advanced settings > Developer's corner > Fix URL.
Add the old (wrong) - in this example - and the new (correct) URL - - and then click on "Activate URL replacement".
A redirect to the new URL is now active.
Remember to use HTTP:// before the URL.
- If the "include parameters" option is checked then URL like¶m1=73¶m2=234234 becomes¶m1=73¶m2=234234
- If the "include parameters" option is not checked then URL like¶m1=73¶m2=234234 becomes
Important notes:
- The algorithm searches for the text in the first text box and replaces it with the text of the second text box
- URLs must be complete with the indication of the protocol (eg
- After clicking the button "Activate URL replacement" MailUp checks if the domains are blacklisted by Spamhaus and/or SURBL). The check is done when the URL is saved. There are no periodic checks on the URL specified for replacement
- You can specify up to 60 substitutions
- URL's replacement doesn't last forever. Once the URL is saved it last for 60 days
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