Published — v. 3
How to upload images into the platform

How to upload images into the platform

To add an image to an HTML message, you can either insert a URL to a remote location (e.g. the image is hosted on your Web site), or you can upload images into the administration panel and then insert them into the message. Both tasks can be easily accomplished using the Image Manager in the HTML editor.

To upload an image and then insert it, please follow these simple steps:

  1. In the HTML editor, click on the "Image Manager" icon in the toolbar.
  2. Click on the "Upload Image" tab. 
  3. Choose an image from your hard disk using the "Browse" button, then click on "Upload".
  4. Repeat the previous steps if you wish to upload multiple images.
  5. Select the uploaded image from the list on the left and click on the "Insert" button to add it to the message. 

These steps are to be followed when you upload an image for the first time. In the future, you can either enter a URL to that image in the code, or, if you are using the Image Manager, you can select the image from the list, without having to upload it again. 

When uploading images, there are 2 folders, each having a different level of availability in the Image Manager:

  • List Images: The images in this folder are available for all the newsletters in that list. 
  • Console Images: The images in this folder are available for any newsletter in any list. 

If the button "Upload Image" is disabled and not clickable, it means that you might not have permission to upload images within that folder. If you select one of the folders mentioned above, the "Upload Image" button becomes active.

When using a URL to a remotely hosted image, the image will always be visible in the message, regardless of changes in the platform. Instead, if you insert in a newsletter called "A" an image that was saved in the folder of a newsletter "B", and then newsletter "B" is deleted, the image won't be seen in message "A", because the location points to the folder of a newsletter that no longer exists.

Of course, no storage space is used when you use images that have not been uploaded to the system, but rather reside in a remote location (e.g. an "images" folder on your Web site). For this reason, using remotely hosted images is often a preferable option. However, make sure that the host is capable of handling the potentially numerous requests that may occur when your email message is opened by recipients (i.e. thousands of recipients opening the email and requesting to download the images that it contains).

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