Published — v. 1
Can I insert action links in my email message?

Can I insert action links in my email message?

It is recommended that you do not include forms or scripts in an email message because the message would risk being blocked by spam filters, and also because these features are not supported by most email clients (e.g. Outlook 2007).

Through the AutoProfile option contained in the Marketing+ package  (see for details) you can insert in your email message a link to a customizable form , where the user can:

- Update his/her personal information;
- Answer questions (the answers are saved in the user's profile   );      
- Join or leave certain groups (groups that you have created within the List and that you are making available for selection on the form)
- Etc.

You can also track clicks on a link to simulate an "action", without actually including a form in the email message. For example, you could have a link that says "Click here to RSVP to our company party": this link would  lead to a page with the message "Thank you for confirming your attendance" or alike. By exporting all readers that clicked on that link you will have a list of recipients of that message that RSVP'd to the party.

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